
Well it looks like we have...

I would read every last one of those articles.

The only interesting (read: weird) thing about Sleeping Dogs is the fact that even though the game is completely open world, you don't really get to experience it until you start looking for all of the collectables. The way the story is mapped out makes you want to move from one story mission to the other without

That doesn't work for me, sadly... I tried playing it with a boyfriend (who is video game inept) and his inability to play a platformer was really annoying.

Sigh... Lara Croft is one of my biggest heroes in gaming and my number three character of all time (first is Celes and second is Nathan Drake), so I get really miffed when people pronounce her first name as "Laura".

AC:2. That game deserves to be played. :)

This. Knack will probably be the first PS4 game to go free for the IGC.

Ha! I totally missed that. I'm sorry! I usually make it to the end of an article before commenting.


No Tomb Raider, Tina?

Eh. I agree with that to an extent, but I like games that suspend reality.

No, not necessarily... "U Mad Bro?" is a mocking question to someone getting mad for no reason. To the Scots, they are very emotional, so if you're going to be anything (mad, happy, sad, horny), Gi'e it laldy is basically saying to feel that through your bones, 100%, and never let anything break you of that feeling.

Oh man. This game looks awesome, and I can't wait for it to come out so I can running jump front kick zombies off of rooftops.

I did as well, it was the first SH to scare the shit out of me since Silent Hill 2. Loved every second of it.

lol, yeah... I remember I first heard that on my 10th birthday and I had to ask my parents what it meant because I thought they were asking me to give something to a lady, and I was confused.