Well then, let's fix that! :)
Well then, let's fix that! :)
Well then I may just have to take your word for it, once I get through another play through of Borderlands 2. :)
Ni No Kuni is great because it rewards the effort of grinding with an easier game. Most games you can just run straight from start to finish without spending any time grinding and you can still complete the game fairly easily. This game however makes you want to quest and have fun with it.
I always find shows like this rather fleeting. I mean, I watched the show in it's entirety, and I never really got mad or angry about the winners.
GOTY 2007: Bioshock (then a 360 exclusive)
Aw, why thank you. Although my real name isn't Celes, my twins names are Edgar and Sabin. :)
I like you too, Tatsuya! :)
The only language evolution I hope for is Newspeak.
I think I'm going against the grain here in the comments section. A lot of people have been talking about a FFVII remake, but in all honesty, I could do without that.
Hey now, I was a Tetra Master...er... master.
Well done, you offered very smart examples of each category! I'm thoroughly impressed.
So basically by saying "most annoying" you mean "most common"?
Please elaborate. I'd love to see you pigeonhole GameStop into all of these examples.
RIGHT?! omg I crack the fuck up every time I see this commercial. Wish I had a GIF of it.
Sid Meier's was pretty fun, and I actually had a lot of run with Risen 2: Dark Waters.
Totally. I loved Sid Meier's Pirates.
Lol, I'll give you that point. Touché.
See, that makes sense. And that's a shame, because I think that if AC4 was the first game to include pirates and pirate ships then I think I would have given it a shot. It just seems like they have to take a good idea and run with it until they run it into the ground and figure out something else to do.
So wait, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is basically a game that was extrapolated from a minigame event from Assassin's Creed III, So now they're considering extrapolating the entire pirate element from AC3 and AC4 and just making a new game out of it?