That last one... hahaha that got me. It's so true, though. Bieber is Canadian, 1D is British.
That last one... hahaha that got me. It's so true, though. Bieber is Canadian, 1D is British.
Um obviously you people have never seen a Paranormal Activity. That's the best example of paranormal being real that I've ever seen.
Maybe I should just start playing games on the PC, as it seems like games are astronomically cheaper than their console counterparts. Seems the right way to go.
I mean, were the dead babies an issue in Dead Space 2? Dante's Inferno?
You're quite welcome!
I appreciate your input, very much so. I've learned though that if you're gonna say something you better have the guts to stand by it otherwise people will just walk all over you. :)
Am I the weird one for never getting the Minecraft bug?
I feel that if people don't know that I didn't actually make the image in there, then that's okay. I did make the comment under the caption, and I think that's what people are relating to ownership. I commented with something similar to the picture so therefore I share it's beliefs, and ultimately it's consequence.
1. I'm a girl
Never really had a passion for FFIV or V (though I played them both to completion). But it's good to know that the FFV port had the original soundtrack.
Here's the deal with the whole "remake" scene. No matter what you do, you're never going to recapture the glamour of playing it for the first time. Same thing with VII. I played the hell out of both games in particular and though a remake would be somewhat cool in theory, it's nothing that I'm going to swear off SE…
Precisely. I feel the exact same way.
See, that's a bad route to go with that. "Would you be able to make the joke directly in front of them?" Because the truth is, no one is that brave. You cannot tell me that you've never in your life made fun of someone behind their back. Every single person has done it. I'm not saying that makes it right, or…
Do you feel better after calling me a douchebag?
This video is great because it has a link describing what that rule is. I'll admit, I had to click on it. lol
I'm really interested in the FFVI port that Square is bringing to the iOS this winter. They said that they've improved the graphics, but I still have a few concerns. Namely, the interface and the size of the game. Will I need to have an iPhone 5 just to look at this? Will it obliterate the battery life?
So then that just begs the question, why did you respond at all? Could you not have just scrolled along the page and said to yourself "Wow, that's a dickhead" and move on?
HA! That's freaking hilarious.
Listen, if I offended you in some way shape or form, I apologize. I have a heart, and as is the case with most jokes, or attempts to be funny, sometimes you have to work for it, and other times corners are cut. The latter is what was done here.