
I couldn't help but hear his entire dialogue in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice.

But not Tomb Raider... :(

A few points:

Be careful when you talk about something "never being done before".

Damn. Would have been better if it were for consoles... Master Race strikes again!

Lets see if I can remember... It's been a while...



Lol... This is kind of funny.

I have a suspicion that these will between 100 and 200 dollars apiece, and that makes me a sad panda...

No need to clarify at all, I knew what you were saying :)

I preordered the Ps4 and Xbox One as soon as they were available. The Xbox is for the kids, and the PS4 is for mommy. Thems the rules.

Regardless of when she gets it for you, you should appreciate the fact that she is getting one for you. That usually works well with the ladies.

Now playing

The real problem is not having enough Dew and Cheetos.. :)

The competition will always be good for the industry, but it's the developers who are seemingly misguided as to what the consumer is actually looking for. Developers like Ubisoft, Activision, EA, and Infinity Ward churning out annual entries into their big time franchises are forgetting what it was like for gamers to

Just brought my CE home from GameStop and am now in the process of downloading / updating.

Agreed. I know I wouldn't know the first thing about making a video like this, so the respect for the effort involved is there for me.

I mean, it's cute, I'll give it that. I played WoW for 7 years, on and off again.

Hands down, Bastion.

What exactly is it doing that it has never done before?