
''The aptly named Fan Table's slotted surface should also prevent spills from spreading all the way across the tabletop. Instead, they'll just drip down onto the floor where they can easily be taken care of by a mop and/or dog''

I've been a Federal Breast Inspector since 10.

I'm using Windows 8.........

You really think Android and ARM could take over the PC market?????

My iPhone lasts all day and I could see these easily using less energy.

Couldn't have chosen a photo with a better caption?

There's some I7 tablets planned, I'm sure some portability will be sacrificed though.

I don't see where Pandora is better.

Not real sources. You could do this with any group that has a majority somewhere.

Science>Morals. There is a real difference between a fetus and a person scientifically speaking.

KKK members can't be thrown in Jail just for being KKK members at least not America.

Not going to college doesn't have to be sad.

What are you complaining for? Break out the camera man!

Are there any sources backing this up?


I thought it was widely accepted by most historians Jesus Christ was a real person?

Now I only need health insurance.

Do what?

You just have to know how to put it on.

I miss reading awesome game boxes and manuals atop my procelin throne.