
Use Pandora.

Use pandora.

His albums were decent at best.


This is why I break into homes I figure if you can afford a nice house you won't miss your other valuables.

Why are you a Gizmodo if you don't care for tech advancements?

Yea I sent that bitch an ear.

Take off your rose tinted retro glasses, these games are regarded by a great majority too be great for a reason.


Loved using an emulator to play pokemon on my phone!

Not much of a way plus absolute zero is impossible to achieve.

And it's impossible to get much colder.

Nut and Bolts wasn't 3?

Weird I didn't get an email about this =[

Still are much better things to protect than the overpopulous pigeon community.

It shall be mine soon.

Knights of the Old Republic is better!

Knights of the Old Republic is the best!

I actually loled.