
I don't see a need too worry physical book stores will be in demand for awhile I see.

I don't see B&N dieing unless BAM puts them out off business and I doubt that will happen.

*Repeat rant every generation.*

Couldn't you just stay home open pandora and have the same experience?

The most fun I've probably had playing a game on my phone was through a emulator. Pokemon was awesome on my phone!

A lot of the good indie games are made by a company INDEPENDENT of a publisher, some people might have a great idea/ a level of a great game they don't have the resources too finish their selves.

Cause it's that simple right?

lol Flawed argument is flawed *points to list of highest selling games on each platform.*

Yes because A diamond means a lot more than actually being unique and making someone know you went that little bit farther

You made your own game console?

I think the market speaks for its self.

The only advice I can really give you is it's more about knowing people, have you tried offering any services you may have for money, a small self made business isn't out of the question and is something I'm looking into.

I was under the assumption full time is full time no matter the wage.

I can't think of how they could make it easier than a full day of labor that it would take for many people to buy a new game.


I wouldn't consider this any worse than my children seeing arts of work with nudity in them.

You can watch and surf GIZ at work but a slightly risque playing card would get you fired?

Where does the there are bigger problems argument come from?

Microsoft might have something to say about that.....

There's is so much wrong with your comment.