
And if you don't care about size there a some case you can buy to boost battery.

OR just use google or youtube.

Thanks for pointing this out, by pricey peripheral I assumed the connector was what was expensive when all it is, is the damn guitar.

Hopefully this is just a case of MP not meaning anything and quality will be close to or on par with recent 8MP phones.

Apple bought it, they decide with they do with it. They have no obligation to you to pay to keep up two server farms just so you can use a app that will just cause confusion with there app.

There's a few different answers for that question.

I agree, beta in the same way everything is beta and will just improve with updates.

I know man tell me about it, I just got a new desktop and all it has is a new processor and video card. Shit sux man, every tech enthusiast knows 80% of the performance comes from how cool your PC looks.

Or better yet remember to include NSFW tags like usual, I'm sure Gawker likes that option much better than losing traffic/revenue.

Can't edit =[

Seeing it be used?????

Working.... key word, he doesn't know if it is actually usable on the 4, it could be of the same use as porting a compass app to a 3g.

You'd have to have it as wife etc.

Same here, my payment also just got removed from pending and charged, so no worries.

Siri is better that's the whole point. It is the best

Not sure of the validity of it, but I've read somewhere sitting in a chair causes some muscle or bone to support more than it's meant to.

Agreed, I didn't care for the map to much(I want frickin jets and tanks and 64 players) But I loved the gameplay aside from it running kinda buggy.

Check out the misadventures of flapjack, it was on CTN, but not lately.

At&t doesn't charge me any extra every month for upgrading to a new phone.

Nice touch when Nash licked his hands.