Chris Dickinson

I didn't read the comment, but based on your suggestion I gave it another star. Did I do good?

Reddit Gone Wild is interesting.

Well, I guess we all have to be good at something.

So is Owen Good gone for good? That would be Owen Bad.

I love the hell out of Medieval 2. In the Brittania campaign William Wallace can be one of your generals. I married him to one of my daughters and killed off the current king, and that's how Braveheart became king of the Welsh.

Yeah it's probably magic. And coercive business practices what involve offensive butt-stimulation.

Eat more walnuts, you guys. They're a super-food.

I for one hate Chipotle, because it is a chain and something other people enjoy. I only like places if they're run by dirt-bag locals who use grade C meat. Also, they must have an ironic name.


LThat sounds really good. I made some fish sticks one time, and they seemed really similar to sushi.

Or you could just fucking eat it.

I've always avoided eating sushi, but after watching this I'm going to try it. Everything is just molecules anyway.

I hate most things. But this will be excellent.

I have never seen a more compelling reason to hold off on buying a next-gen console. And yes I know they're actually current gen. You know what I'm talking about.

Yeah. At least he didn't have to eat it.

Stuff like this makes me wish I had bought a PS3 instead of an Xbox 360. I also wish I had bought a Kindle instead of a Nook. I make poor choices.

One time in the 90's I was at a McDonald's while a kids party was going on. They brought out the pizza on a tray while singing happy birthday, the usual stuff. When they went to put the pizza on the table, the employee tipped the tray and the piping hot pizza landed right in the kids face. Kinda sad.

I've never worn a fedora.

Yeah but where I'm from children are terrible people.

Really I was just hoping someone would convince me to watch the show. I've watched one episode, and it was ok, and I'm intrigued by the idea of Potato Girl. But it's such an investment of my time, I don't want to waste it.