Chris Dickinson

The fact that this took 500 hours to make just proves that we need a better Gary's Mod. I mean, not an actual Gary's Mod, but something similar, and much better.

This is a really good idea. Honestly, most mobile games are awful, just because of the controls. Turn based RPGs are the one genre that could really easily translate.

Please, don't do me, Johnny Boker. I would rather go home and play xbox.

Maybe it's good that he get's his own meme. Even if it's only for a moment.

I really hope Clementine survives. It would really hurt my heart muscle if she didn't. Telltale are masters of manipulation, and you can't help but feel responsible for her. The same could be said about most of their characters, but Clem especially.

I like to think the conductor is reaching into his Batman Utility Belt to fight this other, different kind of nerd, in the battle he's always wished for.

NO! Wii U.

This was the best season of the Simpsons. 4 was good, too. Actually, I recently got both on Piratebay.

Stop talking about DOTA! You fucking NERDS!

Oh, ok. At least I'm still alive.

The same could be said of Russellbrand

I agree. I really, REALLY, wanted to like this game. But it just wasn't that much fun.

Oh Gawd yes. That would have been the first thing I put in the game. Even before the game was made.

I wish I could still feel that kind of emotion.

It just started working for me. I think I must have fixed it with my positive thoughts.

Zack Ryder is becoming the Violator!

Yup, that's the case here in Salt Lake City. You go with Comcast or you go with DSL, like it's 1999.

So glad I saw this! I was about to punch my Xbox! Luckily I stopped at verbally abusing it.

I always pictured him as a shut-in. He was maybe a little awkward, but props for going on national TV.

I liked this. Way to put a spot light on misplaced video game rage.