Chris Dickinson


Hungry eyes.

The death penalty, for none of them!

Dude, I feel the same way. I play games but at this point in my life I couldn't say I really care about them. Except for GTA V. I've had a hard-on for this game since 2011.

Sleeping dogs was fun. It's alot like GTA 4 but with a focus on hand to hand combat. The story was compelling, too. With that being said, it's the weakest of the 4 games you mentioned. Still play it though, it has Brahms' lullaby on one of the radio stations, a weird touch but it's cool.

When and why can you haz horses!?

This is amusing. Most amusing.

Hell man, that made ME stop crying.

I just remembered I have some ground beef! I'm going to eat that, post-haste.

This looks amazing. I just hope the physics are realistic.

Downtown Browntown!

Yeah me too. He's got so much money but doesn't seem to know what to do with it. And he's insistent about keeping things simple. Most people would expect him to capitalize on his success, but it doesn't seem to matter to him.

I used to play as EMU in dynasty mode, like exclusively. It was one of those random things that stuck with me. It was ok though because they had a wealth of local talent available for recruiting but they were bad enough that it was a challenge. Also, their initials are EMU!

Haha. Chivalry is a fun game.

Shades of Bioshock Infinite.

Haha that's clever.

Simpsons reference! Season 5 was the best.

Meh. those are pretty cute. But I wouldn't say too cute. Maybe just cute enough.

Patty, why is it whenever I comment on one of your articles it never gets approved, but my comments are always approved on other articles?

Well, I played Angry Birds one time on my aunts ipad. Does that count?