I’m glad someone properly trained in the use of a firearm, with years of experience, was able to diffuse the situation.
I’m glad someone properly trained in the use of a firearm, with years of experience, was able to diffuse the situation.
You do know how these people respond to other people being shot, right? By voting to remove any healthcare for the mentally ill and making it easier to get guns. I’ll reserve my sympathy for their staff and the incredible Capitol Police officers who were shot (who I will add, at one time, Rand Paul wanted to vote to…
It was Scalise himself. Said he wished he was armed so he could have fought back like John Wayne against the Apache.
Which Congressman dove on top of the 2nd amendment to make sure it was safe during the shooting?
Uggghh.. apparently Congressman Ron Desantis says the shooter asked him moments before the attack whether the players were Democrats or Republicans.
If the shooter is a liberal or can be tied to the democrats (even tenuously!) in any way we will never see the end of Trump.
Yes, I hate the off the shoulder, floopy trend. Not only do I not want extra fabric flopping around my shoulders in summer, I also hate wearing strapless bras because they never hold me up right and I can’t get away with no bra.
I’m not as bad with staining as I used to be, but I also try to plan my clothing choices to suit where I’m eating when I go out. As in, I’m going to lunch with a friend next week and we will get curry. I will wear something brown or rust (or black but not “good” black) and hope for the best. I will not wear pale blue…
Not loving this year’s trends. The floopy off the shoulder shirts and dresses? Yuck. Nondescript slides? No thanks. Cutouts all over the place? Not great for non-models.
I don’t think she’s going to push him at all. She has a few very friendly pics with him on social media where they look chummy. She’s trying to stir up crap and ratings with this interview, but I guarantee she’s not going to push back on him too hard. She may look at him quizzically, but she’s too much of a coward to…
OMG Trumpanzeeism is CONTAGIOUS!! Ruuuuun!!
it’s too late for “don’t normalize Infowars”
I’m guessing that specific someone, or the entire board of the foundation who thought this was a good idea, also voted for 45. “He’ll keep us safe! But Moooslemmmmmmms!”
She needs to drop the pretense she’s a journalist. She’s obviously just out for outrage and promoting right-wing ideology. She thinks she’s ‘provacative’, but it’s just shilling. You can take the woman out of Fox, but you can’t take the Fox out of the woman.
Same woman that timed release of her book about feuds with Fox Execs and Trump so it dropped week AFTER the election.
In related news, someone at Sandy Hook Promise Foundation thought it would be a good idea to have Megyn Kelly host their gala.
I mean, this seems like common goddamn sense. What did she think was gonna happen? Is everyone a fucking idiot now? Am I an idiot? Are we all idiots? Is this life?
So, you’re just warning us on what to expect after Trump?
This. He will 100% lie under oath, but nothing will ever come of it, because that’s the story of this administration. They will break EVERY law, and get punished for NONE of them.
That’s why he kept putting it off. He was rehearsing that very answer in front of the mirror.