Easy peasy: If a woman uses raunchy language and reads erotica, she’s such a slut that you don’t NEED to get her consent before grabbing her by the pussy!
Easy peasy: If a woman uses raunchy language and reads erotica, she’s such a slut that you don’t NEED to get her consent before grabbing her by the pussy!
I think that is the most rage inducing thing. The memes is seen aren’t comparing the actions in 50 Shades to what Trump said, but the language. It’s like the idiots posting it are completely unaware we are angry about the sexualization assault aspect and just think we are mad about the use of the word “pussy”. Oh…
I’m in my early 20s and all of my friends have just started their grown up jobs. Every single one enrolled in their 401(k) on day one and is making the max matching contribution. We’re children of the recession and watched our parents struggle when we were too young to fully understand why. I think the 20 somethings…
Oh I must have missed the part where Turmp declares his intention to grab her by her inner goddess
Black men and women still get it even worse. Black men still only make 80% of what White women make. You really should say White men have a wage gap advantage. These articles never address that. Men don’t make more than women in America. White men make more. So we are getting less SS with less savings. The race wage…
Frankly, including the word “pussy” may have given her book a modicum of sexiness. But thanks anyway to E.L. James for calling out the ridiculousness of the comparison. Just because an erotic fiction novel has gained widespread popularity amomg women does not make it ok for men to commit sexual assault. How are those…
I think it’s all well and adorable when people at entry level say that there’s really no discrimination.
I hate that history lessons only cover the big events and hardly ever teach us anything about how people lived their day to day lives. I know that many teachers simply don’t have the time to cover that, but it’s sad. I always found those aspects of history much more interesting.
Yes, it is C.
ALSO, a “christian” should avoid sexual conquests.
how can i buy this for my kid?
It couldn’t possibly be because one is a woman and the other is black. Nope nope, not at all. It can’t be that when it comes down to it, Republicans will always favor a rich white dude over anyone else.
Are people...
I think these types of shows only appeal to white people too.
As an african descended person going back to the victorian era and what that would entail for people like me is not something I want to imagine and use for entertainment.
Obama is so handsome. Not just by comparison, but goddammit. It’s like putting a glass of French wine next to a half empty PBR that’s mostly backwash.
Trevor Noah nailed this one perfectly: there is a massive difference between using obscene language to talk about your totally consensual sexual experiences and talking about sexually assaulting someone. Is the first one kinda shitty, depending on the situation? Yea. Do your friends probably want you to shut up…
He, like most people with bad/no taste, think that if something is expensive, then it is appropriate/beautiful.The more you spend on it, the better it must be! But this is simply not true. The most expensive wine is not always the best tasting, the most expensive clothes are not automatically the best look for you,…
Nah, it’s not just that he’s fat. I’m fat, and a $600 made-to-measure suit makes me look plenty sharp.
It’s INSANE how even his supporters can’t take responsibility for anything. They don’t offer actual rebuttals or defense, just “well what about x other person?!?!”
She should be mad at her dentist for giving her bridge work that doesn’t fit in her mouth.