Legally speaking, if you are in labor you are unable to consent for anything. I hate to be that lady, but if you start threatening them with things like “THAT WASN’T LEGAL” sometimes the price comes down. Sometimes.
Legally speaking, if you are in labor you are unable to consent for anything. I hate to be that lady, but if you start threatening them with things like “THAT WASN’T LEGAL” sometimes the price comes down. Sometimes.
How the fuck is this legal?
... pitchforks. Pitchforks and torches.
This is the biggest and most insidious scam of the entire system. The same happened to me daughter was in the PICU for several days after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.
Yeah my planned surgery was very specifically coded as “non cosmetic” but the anesthesiology charge was coded as “cosmetic” and I almost had a stroke trying to explain IF THE SURGERY WAS MEDICALLY NECESSARY WHY ARE YOU TREATING THE GOING UNDER AS NOT WTF. I was literally cut open in the hospital. In a big way. Like,…
Not to mention (which you did not) the moral implications of a few companies and their CEOs getting stinking rich off the misery, and even deaths, of others as they are turned down for coverage or fucked with severely.
I had an emergency c-section 7 months ago. When I got my completely insane hospital bill that my insurance refused to cover one penny of (close to $130k). I was questioning why the anesthesia wasn’t covered. Turns out I had neglected to ask which group the anesthesiologist was in. Silly me, being wheeled into surgery…
This goes to show just how screwed up our health care/insurance system is in the U.S.
Let’s keep doing everything we can to change it. Remember. Tell the children. We cannot let it happen again.
As a Native American...yeah. My grandmother was born on a reservation in 1934 and she was one of twelve children. 10 of them were abducted by social services and sent to boarding school where their hair was cut, they were beaten for speaking their own language or practicing their religion or trying to go home. Back…
Just wait until Melania gets her hands on that transcript.
Hell, a Trump spokesman thinks Obama got us into Afghanistan; we don’t need one or two generations for revisionism, it can be near-instantaneous. (to put it another way, whatever lessons one learns from Denial are unlikely to be applied by the irredeemably stupid)
Maggie Hassan wasted no time...😂
“There is no neutral bystander when it comes to truth and lies.”
In the sorely underrated Errol Morris doc Dr. Death, he examines holocaust denial via Fred Leuchter, who originated the titular Leuchter Report that claimed there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz.
Yes! When we’re talking about facts, all opinions are not equal.
What if the author chose not to link her identity with her writing precisely to avoid that kind of analysis? This insistence that an author’s biography can reveal deep and meaningful truths about their work tends to result in the pigeon-holing artists who are not white men.
As an Armenian, I can totally relate to this, since recognition of the Armenian genocide in 1915 is still denied by Turkey to this day. (And still not federally recognized by America due to political reasons.) Denying the genocide means you think my grandparents, great-grandparents, and all Armenians at the time, are…
I am not really sure that Kelly Ayotte ever cast herself as an old-school Republican. She was one of Palin’s “Grizzly Mamas” in her first campaign and she ran as a member of the Tea Party in 2010. She was endorsed by the FreedomParty and a whole host of Tea Partyesque groups. Has she tried to restyle herself since her…
It’s actually because OTC BC can be dangerous, like any prescription med; birth control is a medication that has side effects and can increase the risk of stroke and clots in certain people.