
Oh man, I deeply relate to this vacation story. I somehow embrace my worst homebody tendencies while on vacation. It seems likely I will never experience the ~hip nightlife~ all these cool cities appear to offer.

is dabbing involved? is your FLAM on fleek?

I am beginning to understand how this kind of political hate comes about. He is the absolute fucking worst. A fucking liar. A fucking idiot. A fucking lying idiot. Just a fucking fuck! I am starting to feel the flame of a “burning hatred” beginning to develop and I don’t like it at all.

Its successfullness will very exceed its non-successfullness in an exceedingly very successful fashion, successfully. I don’t see why you’re not grasping this, it’s very clear. Purple pumpkin vagary echidna, right?

Yeah, I really worry that his supporters won’t go away quietly, especially since they’ll be outraged over the rigged election that they are already expecting.

The scary part is that even after he (hopefully. Oh dear god please.) loses the election, he will slink away but we will still be living surrounded by the millions the racists, bigots and idiots emboldened by him.

Because I’m a masochist I headed over to Breitbart to see how the Trumpsters are dealing with this, and the prevailing sentiment appears to be that this is an example of Trump playing the press and public, and that he will go birther again after he’s elected.

My blood is boiling. So he questioned Obama’s place of birth for years as a racist ploy and now turns on his heels and says Obama was born in the US and it’s all Clinton’s fault. I am so sick and tired of his racism, his lies, so tired of him not denouncing the people who exhibit racism and antisemitism in his name,

That’s really all I can think anymore. That and I have begun to believe that the media really truly does want him to win for continues ratings success. We live in a very cynical world.

If you had to choose between living under President Trump or having your crotch eviscerated by a pack of rabid animals, which species of animal would you pick?

I’m so furious right now ... the amount of press coverage this clown is getting is just insane. I turn on NPR and look at NY Times, and they both come with breaking news that Trump now thinks Obama was born in the U.S. What.The.Fuck is the point of this?? The guys is leaving office in a few months - who cares what

The press is literally going to get this idiot elected, constantly giving him passes and tossing softball questions. 538 forecast is now 59%-41% favoring hillary, closest i’ve seen it all year. Scary stuff.

I was at the Obama rally in Philly the other day and at one point, he says how the press needed to do their jobs and we all turned around to the media pit and gave them all the stink eye.

They care more about ratings than doing their jobs. There is seriously no reason to spend hours on Benghazi, emails, and health scandals, while ignoring that Trump is a con man.

I think the bulk of them have forgotten how to do journalism at this point.

Guys, I think we got played.

The “free press” in this case has been as shameful since 2002 and their let’s invade Iraq George Bush dick riding. Pathetic and let me suggest, unpatriotic on an epic scale.

They should stop giving him free press coverage, force him to spend money, and actually do their jobs and expose him for the fraud that he is. They should also stop having idiots like Boris Epshteyn on their shows.

Guys, I think we got played.