
How is Hillary Clinton not destroying these people?

This part -

While I don’t think any class of people should be disenfranchised, I have little hope that voting will make things better.”

He used every sexist’s favorite tactic: Taking a female colleague’s idea, tweaking it slightly, and rebranding it as his own.

I can’t even find her a little bit pretty anymore. It’s getting so her opinions are makings her less attractive all the time.

Agree. Personally, I love my dad, but that doesn’t mean I’d vote for him much less campaign for him.

The New York Times’ coverage has been abysmal and embarrassing this election. The editor’s op ed trying to defend their coverage was also embarrassing. The Washington Post has been fantastic, and David Fahrenthold should get a Pulitzer.

“Republicans are elected on making shitty people feel fine about how they behave toward others.” - they should just put this on their election signs and be done with it.

For real? A Republican hasn’t been elected on policy solutions since Nixon. It’s been “Real America!” and “I got Mine!” and “Queerz!” since Ronald Reagan’s ‘Morning in America’ speech.

I just came back to work after 7 months of paid paternity leave (my wife was home for 13), though I did use some of my yearly 25 vacation days as well.

2000 again, when we elected W because who needs peace and prosperity.

That’s exactly what FMLA is. You bank as much vacation and sick as possible, and then take unpaid leave for the rest. There’s a whole website for federal employees about cobbling together maternity leave.

The fucking Times referred to Trump as “stretching the truth” when he said Clinton didn’t have a plan. That’s an interesting way of saying “knowingly and shamelessly lying”.

I never thought that Cosmo would be more willing to ask substantive questions than the New York Times, and yet here we are.

Nothing about the Trump campaign has been honest or forthright, with every party involved seemingly unclear on how to comport themselves in public when confronted with questions that demand answers, not regurgitated boilerplate language or dangerous rhetoric.

What kills me about this latest Trump “revelation” is that Hillary has been stumping for this sort of thing for years, and her plan is actually more practical, inclusive, and circumspect. Yet ... crickets.

Like most business men, he’s a cheap asshole and will do anything to squeeze as much out of his workers and only giving them what the government requires so they don’t get fined. One of the many reasons why privatization screws regular people over.

And there you have it... An empty, orange suit says things, and a derelict media lets him phone in his performance without any real follow up or questioning about any number of scandals that would automatically eject any other “normal” candidate. But because he’s Donald Trump.

Facts are un-American. Why do you hate the troops?

I’m so lost at this. President Obama has been pushing for a similar program (six weeks of paid parental leave) for years. Heck his plan is MORE inclusive than Mr. Trump’s. (It includes fathers, same sex couples etc)…