
I’m a little disappointed. I thought Serena Joy’s age was somewhat relevant to her character, showing her as someone who could safely adopt the “Shrug. I don’t need those pesky reproductive rights anymore and all those other women’s abortions can’t be nearly as moral as the one I might have had,” stance but who got

When adaptations are cast with actors that are hotter or younger than the part calls for it does not bode well for the overall quality. So disappointing.

Did anyone else think, when they saw the cat lady at the end, that it was super nice of Kanye to cast a woman with a cleft palate and didn’t realize it was the same lady? Just me?

At some point it’s a mental illness thing. There’s clearly something wrong with him and he apparently can’t help himself.

YES! I have no idea what most of her songs are about because I have no idea what she is saying!!!

Will SOMEBODY please tell to truth and proclaim that Arianna Grande can’t fucking SING!?

The kardashiams def don't have implants, they use actual body fat, so it's taken from one are of the body and put in another, it wouldn't show in an X-ray... It's much safer than implants.

Actually, yes.

he is smizing.

Uh, that *is* a smile for Kanye. Look at his cheeks and eyes. They are up just ever so slightly. He might as well be beaming.

that’s pretty smiley for kanye isn’t it? he’s practically giddy.

When my sister was very young she wanted to sing along with every song that came on, but didn’t know the words to any, so she would very loudly and passionately mumble along with them. Flashbacks to that when Ariana Grande sings.

Does he go by Calvin Harris because it sounds less white than Adam Wiles?

I’ve been waiting for you guys to post on this. This was the worst performance of the night! Who could understand a word that Ariana sang? At least I could make out Nikki’s part. gobbledygook

Yes the fucking lack of enunciation drives me up the wall! I can fucking understand Sean Paul’s lyrics, there is no reason I shouldn’t be able to understand her! And people have the nerve to compare her to Mariah Carey. No. Just no.

It’s so frustrating to hear Kanye speak live like this precisely because of his rambling. He has a lot of great ideas, and great lines and thoughts (like the murders in Chicago) that he can seem to portray in his music, but can’t complete when put on the spot. It’s so disappointing because I always want to hear what

Why do we keep making Nicki share the stage with other people at the VMAs? LET NICKI SHINE ON HER OWN.

Can deadspin do a dead letters of the awesome emails they will get regarding the whole Kaep thing? I am sure they will get quite a few good ones.

The overlap of people upset about “disrespect to our flag” and those who proudly fly the treasonous confederate battle flag is 99+%