
I mean, he’s got a billion dollars. That can close off a lot of investigations. You give way too much credit to the go-along-to-get-along media. They’re so scared of their own shadow that they’ll leave him alone so he doesn’t go after them the way he did Gawker.

I mean this guy thinks “cultural issues” like sexism and transphobia are “distractions.” So yeah, i think he is gonna continue being a dick.

This bums me out. I think they were really finding their groove, but apparently millennials weren’t biting so we get more Chris Hardwick? I wish they had at least let them keep going through the election. They were having important conversations. I really hope he finds another outlet.

Someone previously commented about how she should open with a claim that trump doesn’t have the temperament to follow the rules of the debate...

I’m with you, too. At times I think that I’m being paranoid but then I think about what happens at Trump rallies. FFS, Corey Lewandowski assualted a reported, a protester was sucker-punched and last week Trump called for a hit on Clinton. So, we aren’t paranoid.

You know, it was funny watching Rove’s head implode on election night 2012. When he literally got up from his desk, walked into the polling rooms, and started asking everyone how Obama won. And I remember that lady that posted that hour long YouTube video lamenting Obama’s victory and her cursing out Republicans for

I’m really starting to get worried that this sort of talk is going to incite violence on election night. Because when he loses, the portion of ABSOLUTELY INSANE society that he has legitimized and riled up will be absolutely irrevocably convinced that the world has ended and they’re therefore free to go on shooting

Well, I don’t have “fuck you” money, so City Mini was high end for a plebe like me. I’m being sarcastic, but I do agree with you and know exactly what you mean.

If Trump becomes president, do you think the Secret Service’s job will be to protect the rest of us from him?

Stress and burnout are a global pandemic, costing businesses hundreds of billions of dollars per year – $300 billion in the U.S. alone.

People would love to focus more on their own health and wellness but we’re too busy trying to keep our jobs. Thanks though, rich lady.

I don’t have much to say but that I am truly sorry. You, your mother, your siblings all deserved better.

Especially since BCPD is known for treating crime victims in predominantly poor, minority neighborhoods like criminals themselves. Call because your house was broken into, get questioned on your daily activities or why you had *insert expensive item here*. It’s not just the outright maliciousness of some police

This doesn’t surprise me.
My mom on multiple occasions reported my step father for physical abuse... when the cop showed up though he would be super cool with the cops and the cops would come over to my mom trying to “talk some sense” into her. My mom was flabbergasted and tried to show them the bruises and blood- but

Sort of like the people who say, “you’ll be the first to come running to the cops if you’re a victim of a crime,” ignoring the vast number of sexual assaults that never get reported to the police because women think police won’t believe them and/or care in the first place.

I keep waiting for the DOJ to investigate a police department and have the report NOT show stunning levels of racism and bias. I keep hoping that there will be just one department where the DOJ investigates and finds - “Oh, hey, it was just this one division! The rest of the force was actually pretty fair!” But nope.

You are absolutely right. It certainly affects women of color more.

There is a link between men in blue who routinely harass and kill innocent black men.. and beat them, and lie about what they did (didn’t do) taser them for fun, take them on rides that shatter their spines, chase them for no reason and lie, lie, and then lie a little bit more.. and men who hate women and who victim

‘Beyond race’ makes me itchy out of the gate, but this time it’s really important we keep this finding in context. The report mentions BPD does most of their police work (laugh) in an area populated by mostly black amd brown people; these sexual assault victims are likely to be in that same demographic.