
But they won’t. Their base is the same people that said everyone against the Iraq war was unpatriotic but then during the last election blamed Hillary for that same fucking war. The same people that bitch and moan about wall street money in politics but don’t care when Trump’s cabinet is full of them. GOP will spin

Good luck with that. There is a Rally for Science happening sometime next month but the organizers keep insisting its “apolitical.” I worked at am NIH funded lab for about a year and all the older white dudes were Republicans. I wonder if this will wake them up but I doubt it.

Speaking of fucking Mar-a-Lago, how fast has that shit become normalized?! Trump has gone down there every weekend and now it’s not even questioned anymore. It’s just business as usual when he flies down on a friday.

And when it does harm them they will be in denial about the cause of their misery and will blame Democrats and liberals. I’m already seeing it happen on the “lets interview WV folks about to lose their Medicaid because of Trump” articles. Many of the people (idiots) blame Democrats.

Trump: You will all have better healthcare for cheaper and bring back coal jobs. And fuck Mexicans and Muslims.

Throw shoes like someone did at Bush! No way in hell are Trump’s reflexes that fast. Please please please.

Our press has been failing us since WMD - Iraq days. We need to stop thinking that they will save us, they won’t. Notice how they have spent the last week breathlessly reporting on this fake “wire tap” story while not devoting a single minute or article or investigation into the fact that fucking Sessions committed

The cruelty of making a whole enthnic group feel unsafe pretty much everywhere is definitely intentional. But also 1/3 of Hispanic voters voted for the Orange Mussolini not giving one fuck about solidarity so I wouldn’t count on the GOP facing any payback.

If Obama had 5 kids by 3 diffferent women and had declared bankruptcy 4 times, he never would have gotten past being a law professor at UChicago. The US really is a wonderland full of mediocre white guys falling upward.

The thing is, this is not a new strategy, GOP has been using this “make up shit, repeat non stop on Fox and right wing radio, never admit its a lie despite evidence, keep repeating” for at least 14 years now. See: WMD, 9/11 - Iraq link, Obama not citizen, death panels, Ground zero mosque, BENGAZI!!1!, and on and on...

I was in a pretty horrific car accident about 5 years ago and was in a lot of pain from my injuries. I was prescribed 30 Oxys when I was discharged from the hospital. One of the nurses literally chased me out to my car and told me please please don’t take the pills for more than 3 days, self medicate with pot and

If this is how they are treating Europeans and Canadians, imagine how much worse they must be treating non-famous brown looking immigrants/tourist.

It’s Trump. He was aiming for autocracy but fails at it just like he has at every damn thing in his life, resulting in chaos.

Oh man, I’ve been thinking about getting a pair of boyfriend jeans for summer but I feel like they just look weird on me. These look perfect though, tailored yet relaxed. Thanks for the tip, I’m too poor for them right now but Macy’s always has sales.

I have a super short torso and I’m petite and the only place I have found low rise jeans is Aeropostale and Abercrombie. I know I know. I don’t care if I am the only peraon in that store over 30 but I refuse to wear high rise jeans, they hit like an inch below my boobs. Check them out, half the jeans there are low

I know I already replied to you but your comments are pretty gross about how Indians “learning the hard way.” We have always been aware of this shit. Please stop with your misplaced generalization based off of some racist Indian people you might know.

This is completely incorrect. Only 7% of Indian Americans voted for Trump. 16% voted for Romney in 2012. By a very very large majority, they do not vote conservative.

My brain is pretty much just repressing all my memories from the entire month of November.

The following bills have been introduced while we and media focus on his tweets-

Try having some fucking sympathy since only 7% of Indian Americans voted for Trump. While a full 1/3 Hispanic voters went for Trump.