
This is ripe for mocking but its really fucking chilling at the core of it. His supporters seem a little quiet these days so he’s going to rile them up again. This has fucking Bannon written all over it, it gets his supports frothing at the mouth again and fulfils Trump’s extreme neediness for applause and adulation.

I really hope some brave journalist will manage to go undercover at the concentration....errr I mean “detention centers” so we can find out what conditions are like there for them while they wait to find out if and when they are getting deported.

“Secretly miserable.” I don’t think its that much of a secret. Overt and obviously miserable is more accurate.

Thanks for the link, that’s where I hit a wall in my search too. Since I was a minor, I was never issued a Certificate of Naturalization so I don’t think I can use this to get a copy of something that never existed in the first place. My parents and my brother (who was 19 at the time) all have the certificates.

PK is so so creepy. The way he looks at Erika and LVP make me want to punch him in the face. Such a pervy gaze.

If you have Amazon Prime, WaPo is free for the first 6 months and then only $3.99/month after that! I just signed up for it yesterday because ever since the election, I go through the first 10 free posts by like the 7th or 8th of each month.

Oh God, all day today, I have been looking into if its possible to get an official naturalization certificate after all these years. My passport is up for renewal so once I send it in, I have no proof that I am a US citizen. These are not good times.

Can someone please give Erika her own show please?

I became a naturalized citizen at 15 so I have no paperwork that proves I’m a citizen except for my passport and reading that statement sent a chill down my spine.

Mother fucking asshole said this on Fox earlier this evening

I was just about to ask about podcasts too! Welcome to Kinja-verse, fam.

Along with things you suggest, might I add, call out and engage your racist relatives. Please. White women staying quiet when people say racist stuff around you makes you complicit. Don’t just speak up when someone makes sexist comments. I am tired of people saying things like “my parents/relatives/sibling are great

This. We dont need to reach out to people that voted for Trump and will vote for Satan if there was a R next to their name.

Are you me? I am constantly going back and forth between hopeless horror and determined anger. Just today I applied for a social justice non profit job so I can fight tbe shitstorm coming and also a job in my field in another country so I can get the fuck out.

They will never accept it and only even acknowledge it when they can blame a Democrat for it. See Iraq War for example. Conservatives were super gung ho about, called everyone that was against it unpatriotic and evem when it all went to shit, they never held Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld accountable even though they staight

I’m not the person you asked but you can take the amount you pay per month, divide by 12 and then pay that much extra every month. So you are effectively paying one extra payment a year without it hitting your budget or bank account all at once. You can always adjust the amount you pay extra.

Orwell was only off by 3o some years. Ignorance is knowledge! War is Peace! Truth is lies!

Look at all that economic anxiety!

Small world....I’m from MD and I was so proud to have her as my senator!

I’ve found that keeping up with my skincare routine and drinking lot of water has really improved the fine lines and under eye wrinkles. Sorry no suggestions.