The concept of karma you are describing, the “what goes around comes around” idea is the western hippie concept of karma. The hindu meaning of karma is a little different:
The concept of karma you are describing, the “what goes around comes around” idea is the western hippie concept of karma. The hindu meaning of karma is a little different:
I was talking to a few DC residents who said they were getting the hell out of town on inauguration day and they mentioned how amazing would it be if every business that is against Trumpenfürer stayed closed that day. DC is liberal as fuck, it would send such a powerful message to all the assholes who comw into town…
I didn’t think I’d get into it but I highly recommend People of Earth.
This kind of shit is why I don’t blame Russia for electing Trumpenfürer. Russia might have leaked the emails, but it was OUR PRESS and OUR STUPID STUPID POPULATION that fell for a really obvious ploy. The last 8 years have been filled with so much hate and conspiracy on right wing talk shows, I’m surprised none of…
World War 3
AH WHAT?!! Marco Polo is cancelled?!!! I had no idea. I am with you, THAT IS NOT OK. I love historical dramas and it was nice to have one that wasn’t Euro-centric for once. Ahh. I’m so upset.
If you like historical fiction, I HIGHLY recommend books by Sharon Kay Penman. Very engrossing, very well researched, the characters just leap of the page. Her Here Be Dragons trilogy is the best historical fiction I’ve read and I’ve made my way through a ton of HF books.
I love Obama, but my biggest problem with him has been that he assumes that people (mainly Republicans) are as decent as he is, like if he is nice enough to them, their sense of decency would win out and they would get their shit together and do what’s best for the country. We saw this over and over again for the last…
It is! On the top right side of a comment, there are three vertical dots. When you click on it, a drop down menu of options shows up, there are options to flag the comment for hate speech or harassment and dismiss it. You have the option to flag any comments but can only dismiss comments that are a response to you.
I was deciding between a regular Jets and TDI but eventually went with the regular one, exactly one week before the story broke. I’m pretty bummed out about missing out on the buyback deal. Extra $7-9000 would have been nice.
“What we are becoming?” Sorry to tell you this but we have always been like this, it’s just that now your eyes are opened to the ugliness that is in our country.
I don’t understand why he insists on that ridiculous hairpiece though. We have seen the pictures of his real hair, why why why does he do this?!
I have no friends in the city I currently live in and it’s lonely as hell. Would you mind sharing how you got the book club started? I love to read and discuss books, it would be a perfect way to make some friends here.
I am not a fan of fantasy or action movies. It has been a rough few years, entertainment wise, for people like me. Thank God for Netflix. I tried to point out to a friend that pretty much all movies are “fantasy action” movies these days, and how much it sucks if that is not what you were into, they thought I was…
This list is amazing, thank you!!
I’ve been on a major romance binge for the past year. Looking for recommendations.
I wouldn’t count on the retrial going well if it’s the same prosecutor.
Not just that but what can you do when the prosecution acts like theofficer’s defense? I don’t see how any of this is ever going to get better.
The lone dingling had a lot of help victim-blaming from the prosecution.