They did at least go after Rubio; it came out in the Senate hearings a few months ago.
They did at least go after Rubio; it came out in the Senate hearings a few months ago.
I’m not sure how to tap into something like this. I will hide someone in my basement until it blows over; there’s a bathroom and shower down there. I’d have to get an airbed or something.
I was wishing Sansa would just look at her and say “well you know if you want a dress that’s what we have seamstresses for.” It was kind of a stupid complaint. Put on a dress if you want, Arya.
I’m for anything that distracts him until the indictments come down.
This reminds me of a mom board I used to be on where a woman would flounce and then keep coming back to make these grandiose claims about all the wonderful things happening in her life that were obviously not true or possible, get called out, threaten to SUE AND SHUT THE BOARD DOWN, lather, rinse, repeat. Once she…
Full blown schizophrenia in a kid that young is very rare and you’re better off watching for irritability, social withdrawal, and sleep problems which are symptoms of possible mood disorders which are much more common. Hoofbeats and zebras and all that.
Pauline on the other hand never seems to have really forgiven herself and lives a very quiet life.
I’m a skeptical about full blown schizophrenia showing up that young. It’s super rare.
I’ve heard from a couple of sources that Obama encouraged Romney to try for Secretary of State because he knew how badly there would need to be an adult in that position. I would have been thrilled honestly to have Romney in there instead of Tillerson or whoever is going to come on board after Tillerson quits/is…
I saw this shared around as an example of the “violent left,” and wondered why I was supposed to have a problem with a black guy holding off a mob with a home made flamethrower. “Stand your ground,” right?
I hadn’t even heard of it until the quotes surfaced. If you don’t follow entertainment/music news much, you wouldn’t necessarily hear about it especially with the national news being such a clusterfuck lately.
The cheekbones are wrong and the whole face is too narrow. It’s like they were working from a high school artist’s sketch of Beyonce on the back of her math notebook.
Everyone has a cell phone in their hand at all times. Especially if they just called the police.
Oh God are they going to argue that the Ambien gave her superpowers?
People couldn’t understand what “unconscious” meant and one of them later talked about what Andrea C was wearing and how “concerning” it was. I think it would be a miracle to get a better outcome.
I’ve seen him in interviews from 10 or 15 years ago and he was always shitty and bombastic, but he used to be a lot more coherent.
I think Melania keeps Barron away from Trump as much as she can. It’s probably easy since “Father is always so busy.” Even having moved in, I would be surprised if she and Barron don’t have rooms as far away from “Fauther” as you can get and still be in the White House.
Synchronized faces of disgust.
I find it so bizarre that nobody is talking about whether a nervous, easily frightened elderly man with apparent memory problems is a good choice for US Attorney General. Even without lying about the Russians. Who apparently were at an event he hosted.
I work in a drug/alcohol treatment center and I find so many of these kids in their early 20s literally cannot imagine how to have fun or socialize without alcohol.