
Prior Walter

I am hoping that just like Moody they will have the real Graves in a trunk or something?

Having that person switch suddenly to that person was probably the most disappointing thing I’ve ever seen in a theater.

If I had the ability to leave the country I would do it.

I get that sometimes from Montessori people talking about Maria Montessori. No lie lol and my kids go to a Montessori school but it cracks me up when people refer reverently to what “Maria” would have done when she had no clue about the context in which people would be raising children today.

The British popular media may be even more jingoistic than the US, and that’s saying something. Look at the continued deification of the McCanns.

DNA is not magic or foolproof especially under sloppy collecting conditions such as were shown on the video of the CSI crew working in the apartment.

“Because we deal with this every day, you shouldn’t make a big deal about killing a few unarmed black people.” Also I am a drug counselor and have seen people overdose. It’s like any other medical emergency. Do they post pictures of people having heart attacks due to smoking?

I love reading about Vodun. Such a fascinating religion.

It takes me more than a minute to pee. I’d rather take a minute and thirty and have hair that doesn’t look like the hair on the video.

While working for one horrible supervisor, when my kids were small, I contracted Fifth Disease from one of my little germ factories. Which if you’ve ever had it, you know that for kids it is not that big a deal but that adults can develop Reactive Arthritis that can be quite severe. I called in one day when I had to

I am so in love with ‘70s fashion.


They were never able to get him on the molestation but wouldn’t that be straight up child porn?

If a swing “accidentally” caused that kind of an injury to a child, they would have chopped it up with an axe for fear of liability.

Yeah I get some once in a while. Most recently b/c I thought I might have to look for a new job in an ageist workforce. My face still moved.

I think there need to be provisions made for couples with children; it’s not fair or a good idea logistically to call up both parents.

I hate that places like Sea World can use them as a straw man and pretend that anyone opposed to their treatment of marine mammals is a “crazy PETA” person.

I want to paper his stupid father’s house with those bloodshot drunk eyes and thousand yard stare. There’s your little all-American boy, Dad! He looks like a (slightly) younger Gary Busey!

She’s a Cool Girl.