What the hell is going on in that picture?
What the hell is going on in that picture?
That's the story. I was scared shitless that my hand would go up of it's own accord so I got in the habit of sleeping on them.
Was that the one where one of the stories had a kid in the hospital holding her hand up so Jesus would take her? I was so scared by that story.
I don't remember the original being sexy. Maybe I was in the bathroom during those parts.
They're looking at the numerous pictures of my Jack Russell? Now they've gone too far.
Which is an excellent idea but how incredibly depressing to have to go to those lengths.
Oh I loved those. There is a good one called Moon Eyes by Josephine Poole.
I'm going to be the voice of dissent here and say a potato in the vagina is probably a pretty good pregnancy preventer.
I work with addicts in various stages of recovery who've had horrible lives and don't have people paying them for reality shows in which they barely participate, they don't have people giving them parts in Mamet plays, they don't have anyone "pulling" for them. I just don't have much patience for this woman any more.…
That man. Dear God. The laugh. The smolder.
Biden is one of those politicians who has never been served well by the primary system. He seems like a genuinely smart, competent guy who would make a good President, but he doesn't have that rock star quality that the media focuses on in the primaries. Maybe if he just cut loose and didn't try to censor himself…
If they aren't even sure it was an actual fetus there's no way it was that far along anyway. These people who are so obsessed with fetuses need to get some sort of book that shows what they look like at X number of weeks just so they don't keep having palpitations over clumpy periods.
We live in the US. My 10 year old developed appendicitis while travelling in Ireland and we had his appendix out in Galway. That's actually the worst so I know I've gotten off pretty easily.
I think this is literally part of the answer. When I was in HS everyone was camped out at the door of the DMV on their sixteenth birthday; now they seem content to let their parents drive them until their eyesight fails.
If they don't hobble him with an American accent he will probably be very good.
According to a book I read, Death at SeaWorld, the orcas actually
Oh Florida Man.
Can we sue them for constantly blathering about the Duggars like they are some sort of American royalty?