
Sometimes all I want to do in response to something like this is slap someone upside the head and scream STFU!

This is similar to the old Celtic option to get married for a year and a day and then decide if you want to just go your separate ways with everything you brought into the marriage.

Wow that is one godawful ugly dress.

You can imagine my confusion when I googled "GASP Clothing" and clicked on this link.

I hate when "remember the real victim" is used as shorthand for "let's just convict someone for this crime regardless of lack of evidence because it will give the families some closure."

Well obviously when these people talk about "confusing" their kids they mean that they don't want kids exposed to people who might make them grow up to be more tolerant than their asshat parents.

Yeah, faced with that list I would have gone out and got him a couple of cheeseburgers and a slab of fudge and a couple of rootbeers. It should have been obvious that nobody could eat that much food in one sitting.

I have sons and I don't want them going someplace like this.

Dear Kate: The people who tried to force-feed us jeggings, as well as "maxi-skirts" that make people look like they have curtains wrapped around their lower half, don't think you're stylish enough.

I tend to agree.

No, you're not. That looks like meth face to me. Her skin is grey.

Some flights only have a red-eye.

I'm expecting him to pay off some woman to claim to be "that woman" and explain that she was totally into it.

Stop trying to make Olivia Munn happen! She's never going to happen!

And I can't imagine going from Will to Mark Anthony.

And she was so used by many of the people around her.

Not to mention mustard on your chin, boogers hanging out of your nose....

But what I wonder is how the hell she's going to support them now. She's said before that this was the only way she could support 8 kids. (Which begs the question—why have so many kids that the only way you can support them is to turn them into a carnival sideshow?)

The universe is big. it’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen, and we call them miracles. -The Doctor

I don't even think it's art. It's an advertisement.