
Here’s the thing - that’s also not an OK thing to do. You are correct! We can both be correct! These things are not mutually exclusive! Groups of people can be assholes to other groups of people in different ways, but it’s still assholery!

I’m not trying to police anything. I’m not telling anyone how to behave. All I did was give voice to a reaction that I typically keep to myself, for obvious reasons. I realize it is on the dodgy side of what is rightfully deemed “correct”.

Except I’m a gay man

This is a great comment, thanks. I did come back to respond to another comment by saying I thought “appropriation” is the wrong word. I don’t know. Some people are highly offended by what I said, which I regret. I’m open to having someone point out to me, in a reasonable fashion so I’m able to actually receive it and

Everyone is taking this too damn literal, it’s more the idea of being subjugated, being in a vulnerable and seemingly powerless position in order to grasp the idea that in our society men have more power than women do in most situations. I took it less literal and more figurative, that men should occasionally

Yes, I know what you mean. The first time I had sex I was with someone I loved and trusted and I was into it but I was shocked by how invasive it was. It took a couple of tries to get used to the sensation and to enjoy it and to notice my own power in controlling my boyfriend’s pleasure and my own.

I’d be more

I’m not arguing any of those things, which is why I said it doesn’t inform my entire experience as a woman. I don’t think any single experience can, which is what I think you’re getting at with your post. Treating any perspective as THE thing that defines what it means to be a member of such a large and wide-ranging

I agree that there is “something” there but it has absolutely nothing to do with understanding women. If anything it’d help men understand men more and how little sexual activity should impact their sense of masculinity. Maybe then they wouldn’t feel so threatened by gay men or powerful women and maybe toxic

That is fucking dumb, I hate this old trope that being penetrated is inherently passive and degrading (he doesn’t say the last part but it’s implied). Germaine Greer suggests it’s no more passive than eating, an analogy I like. It’s not like your vag/body just sit there doing nothing, and if they are it’s probably

Following your lead of comments to get flames, I think Tom does have a little bit of a point. Getting stuff put inside me certainly doesn’t inform my entire experience as a woman, but I do get overwhelmed sometimes by sex with dudes because it’s like yeah, something is going inside my body at a point that I can’t even

Let the kid wear the dinosaur shoes outside FFS. You just said life is too short.

I was impressed at how comfortable he was with Chris Pratt! World famous chef whatever, coming off charming next to Norton, Lawrence, and Pratt is impressive.

I got internally huffy when I read her remarks in Shrill, but then I remembered what sort of comments used to show up on her posts. In fact, you can go back and look at them. I really can’t blame her. When I read student reviews, for example, the ones that really stick with me are the awful, nasty ones—the ones that

Josh Brolin, you did not deserve Diane Lane.

I do get how people can do it (which was obviously not the case in this situation). When this happens, it’s not typically when they are taking a cross-country trip with their kids, it’s when they are going through the rote motions of their day. Have you ever gotten in your car to head to ____, but gotten halfway to a

Flagged for hate speech

Brokeback Mountain wasn’t just a good movie, it was a cultural tipping point. Once a cowboy is gay everything is gay.

Go home, you’re drunk. Crash isn’t even as good as the other Crash.

Yep. As a black, educated woman with a solid work and rental history. I will never find another place to live because all I am is a black woman so I can suck it.

Although I don’t have a medical degree and am a man, I’ve decided to pursue a head OB/GYN role since I spent the most formative parts of my life in utero. You’re an inspiration to us all, Dr. Carson.