
hmmm. this made me kind of like the smith family. maybe even think they are sort of normal. but maybe that's just what they want me to think.

You know every editor is sitting in his or her office right now bitching about how come they didn't know about Amber Rose vs. Khloe until it was past time to go to print!

You know who has really great skin? Beck.

I actually think it's gross how he talks about her. He always talks about her like she's an OBJECT. How she's hot, hot she dresses, how she makes money, how she's the best accessory, etc etc. I don't recall him ever talking up her personality, or why he likes her as a person. He seems to care more about Beyonce than

Can we discuss how squicky the accompanying V photos of Selena make me feel? It's like they tried to make her look *really* young, and also there's some Latina stereotyping/fetishization going on, to me. (Maybe it's just me, though.)

Rihanna ruined my relationship with my boyfriend and I don't even have one.

Actual feedback from an interview (paraphrased, because it was 1999):

I was told in my company that male EA candidates and tall female EA candidates would not be accepted because "the CEO prefers petite, non-intimidating assistants."

That's patently untrue. Most of us in the Jewish community are very critical of Israeli policy when we don't like what is going on. There's a whole campaign right now about how Bibi doesn't speak for us. Now, there is something to be said when someone outright supports Hamas, or wants Israel to cease to exist. But I

It's always more than a little strange when you see people who claim to be pro-Jewish and pro-Israel describing Muslims as filthy and essentially sub-human. DOES THAT LANGUAGE NOT RING A FUCKING BELL?!?

It always amuses me when racists trip over themselves to fawn over the Jews...until the next Jewish conspiracy comes down the pike.

If I can't send my ex a carved up tennis ball from time to time, I have no choice but to abandon your rule book.

Whenever they have those awkward sex ed classes in sixth grade, the ones where they split up the boys and girls to different rooms and talk about body parts, they really need to include that in the lesson plan.

Wow. You might want to go see a therapist.

Can you time travel to my sophomore year of HS and let me know this? Thx

I got to:

It was just a mismatch. That kid would have had me swooning at that age. I guess, look for girls into jazz if you're a clarinetist?

For the record, you should never do stuff like this for someone you aren't currently dating. So: not for crushes, not for exes you're trying to win back, and not for people you've just started dating either.

Otherwise it just sorta screams "I'm creepily obsessed with you and have no sense of personal boundaries."

The chubby kid playing his clarinet at the girls' soccer game is the best story I've ever read on one of these "Send me your tragic stories" posts Drew does from time-to-time. I was laughing for five minutes at the mental imagery of this girl tying to play soccer while a pudgy kid blows on a clarinet in an effort to