
"I do love a tea party."

The solution is to arm the cat.

This GIF has never been more relevant than at this moment.

Because they use publicity stunts denigrating people too advance their cause, a cause that is hypocritical at best due to their bipolar approach to things which bounces between "beauty" and "pure balled hatred". Also that they have various fiscal inconsistencies internally doesn't help my opinion of them.

You sir are what the kids refer to as a "fucktard"

They're against pet ownership, even seeing-eye dogs. They railed against Obama for swatting a fly. They euthanize animals by the dozens. They don't think animal research is worth finding a cure for AIDS or cancer. They exploit women in their ads. They are sizeist. They make me want to eat all the burgers after I punch

Because they make animal rights activists look like insensitive, sex-obsessed assholes, thereby turning off a lot of potential allies.

Well, that and:

Don't get started on Komen. What a hack of an organization. How does an organization that includes "for the Cure" in its name get away with putting only 20% of its funds toward research.

I bet it's one of those "We'll donate 5% until we get to x amount!" deals that almost every company does. It makes me want to say, "Why don't you just donate x amount, rather than making it into a sales push?"

It's obviously a joke, but something being "a joke" doesn't mean it's not harmful.

I'll stop the world and melt with you/You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time/There's nothing you and I won't do/I'll stop the world and melt with nom nom nomnom...

Only problem with this: Now I want grilled cheese.

This just makes me think of Invader Zim, they are pry going to change direction again and just go back to pandering idiocy.

Duck you Nick... Duck you.

Oh my god, anti-choicers, GET A LIFE. (But only if you want to, when you want to)

Nickelodeon you are the worst! I used to think you were cool back in the day. With your fun live action, Salute Your Shorts/Are You Afraid of the Dark/Etc, and cartoon shows. You are on notice. Water Tribe, out.

The value of a dress in particular increases by at least $10 with the presence of pockets in my head.

Pockets. Pockets in your pants! Pockets in your dresses! Pockets in your skirts! MOTHER FLIPPIN HIDDEN NINJA POCKETS TO STORE YOUR SHIT.