
I’ll just leave this here, for anyone else who wants to spite Huckabee without eating multicolored chips.

Eh, even in a major city, a new type of plant randomly cropping up in someone’s backyard should be news. Correct me if I’m wrong (I’m not an expert), but an unadulterated tomato plant randomly sprouting some unidentified thing would be a big deal.

In the same circumstances, yes absolutely. One of the hallmarks of a phobia is that you panic and react immediately, without even the possibility of hesitation or rational thought.

Hey, as Elder Price says, “In 1978 god changed his mind about black people!”

Eh, their beliefs may be equally ridiculous, but Mormons are some of the most fantastically nice people you will ever meet.

I got Lasik almost a year ago, and I have to say: If you have/are getting Lasik, and didn’t know about about the risks and potential complication, that’s at least partly on you. Do your homework.

In a sense, sure, but in this case the accusation (being gay) isn’t the insult, it’s just evidence of the insult (that they’re a hypocrite). No one who accuses Santorum of being gay is saying that because they think there’s something shameful about being gay, they say that because he’s a homophobe and potentially a

Actually, Bristol, this “childish game” may help an innocent child recover from a terribly racist incident and show him that his intelligence and creativity is something that the entire country can appreciate.

I honestly don’t see how it’s homophobic. It is insulting someone by saying they’re secretly gay, sure, but the insult isn’t that they’re gay, it’s that they’re a hypocrite. And I don’t think it’s projecting that hypocrisy onto gay people.

Except that the vast majority of straight marriages are also sodomic marriages, because sodomy is anything other than penis in vagina, including oral and manual and whatever. By some definitions it’s any sex that can’t result in children, in which case if you ever have period sex or use any kind of birth control,

My parents did the same thing, and I was the only person I knew who didn’t really drink outside the house until I was 21. It took away the excitement of alcohol, and especially when you’re young forbidding anything makes that thing more enticing. But I noticed in college, a lot of my peers seemed shocked that my

I don’t understand why, of all the things parents are expected to teach their kids, how to safely drink isn’t on the list. This is not how you protect your kids from alcoholism, restricting at all costs will only make them go crazy the first time they get their hands on some. Give the kid a beer, maybe eggnog on

I hope this makes other states hurry up and legalize it. No offence everyone who’s coming here for the pot, but you all are doing horrible things to local traffic.

Yes, Republicans, good job on Women’s suffrage, but you don’t get to keep bragging about that.

What is this magnificence from?

I’m not sure if you’re ever doing one of these again, or if you’re interested, but one piece of information I wish I could’ve indicated was whether something was covered inaccurately. For example, my program talked about condoms and how they’re used, but did the stupid unrealistic-friction-until-it-breaks trick to

So, maybe you meant it in a humble “I’m a guy talking about gender inequality, so I know privilege has an impact on my perception” kind of way, and if so good for you and I apologize, but when you start an opinion by declaring your gender, it comes off as very mansplain-y.

True, but they still need to be random or unpredictable, and these are anything but.

I’ve always thought there were, though it could just be that closing time’s never enforced and I never knew. There’s a park between my apartment and the closest 24hr grocery, so I walk through there in the middle of the night often, and it’s never been blocked, or patrolled beyond the occasional cop car.