Not in this case - she's a gateway drug.
Not in this case - she's a gateway drug.
Gee, I'd really like to play this for them for inspiration, but under the circumstances I don't think it's appropriate.
For some reason, I just saw the second part of your question. For the most part, I never really delt with too many celebrities one on one and was glad too. They're typically really demanding and bad tippers, because they're so used to never having to pay. Also, many times, they will demand free alcohol in exchange for…
I do bottle service and yes that is possible if you hustle and work at a good club. Some places include the 20% and a lot of people will miss that and tip an additional 20%. Plus once you sell the first bottle it is much easier to sell more to that table. I always open the bottle and pour the first round and I keep…
It depends on the club. Most clubs have a 3-4 bottle minimum (around $1000) for the small booths, but if you work in nicer ones, or in the VIP VIP section, then some are $5000+. The more high end the club, the more people will go for the expensive champagne rather than the bare min. $250 bottle of grey or something,…
Yes. As a former bottle service girl, you can most definitely make that kind of money *if you hustle* (or, as was the rumour with a few girls, you used your high end escorting to bring in rich clients to the clubs). That's also why you see so many girls who work there who are aspiring PR workers. It's all about…
This is beautiful. At first I thought that it was the typical actor-reminiscing-type interview. Then shit got real. Please let that not be acting!
You are not alone. I don't know about you, but for me it's linked to my depression and anxiety disorder. I used to call them "tired days". It'll happen most often when I have a deadline. I failed to hand in several essays this way - it wasn't that I wasn't capable, I would just not do it. And it wasn't because I was…
I am terrible at doing work, but today I did work, using exactly what you said!
Oh my god, all of this is me too. I'm supposed to be doing research for/finishing up my master's essay so that I can devote my time to finding a JOB but instead I've been watching old episodes of The Simpsons and reading comments here. It's like I have no motivation at all some days (all days lately.) I don't know how…
I went to an evening with Julie Andrews recently, and it was amazing just to be in her presence (for NZ$500 I could have also met her but who is that rich??). What a charming, talented and hardworking woman!
Kicking off a flurry of marriages in California after US Circuit Court 9 lifted the four-year stay, Attorney General…
Anyone looking for the full Alexis Neier's picture should read the Vanity Fair piece written about her and the rest of the Bling Ring: The Suspects Wore Louboutins
I love this. I am madly in love with this.