Teague may have gotten the idea for the diagonally swappable doors from Brooks Stevens' Studebaker Cruiser concept.
Teague may have gotten the idea for the diagonally swappable doors from Brooks Stevens' Studebaker Cruiser concept.
The most dangerous thing a bicyclist can do is proceed through an intersection with a green light. More cyclists are hit by drivers who don't see them while making a right turn than any other kind of car/bike collision. The same problem kills a lot of motorcyclists too.
Whoa. When I saw the photo, for a second I thought it was Jim Clark's Indy winning Lotus, which wears the same colors. It's an interesting debate, which Lotus was more influential, the Lotus 38 that won at Indy or the Lotus 49, which won a F1 championship.
This is how you eat cars.
Obviously, we're not going to change our policy of covering the news.
You touch on a key cultural phenomenon. When I first lived and worked in New York I was so poor I lived (slept, ate) in an old Ford Escort. To this day I look at cars and wonder if they're "liveable," but now I own many cars, houses, boats, etc. I rose from poverty because I worked for, and continue to work for,…
Tom Carrigan's 1,710 cubic inch Allison V12 powered 1939 Chevy.
I go to Mustang events in part so I can take photos of Mustang IIs and I've spoken with Buck Mook and Howard Payne, who were responsible for the exterior and interior design of the car and they're rather proud of their work. Ford sold well over a million Mustang II cars over the course of five years. Some of the best…
This one has an automotive connection. The Delphine, the yacht that Horace Dodge started building just before he died and was later used by his widow Anna, was requisitioned by the U.S. Navy during WWII and recommissioned as the USS Dauntless for use as the command ship of Admiral Ernest King, Commander in Chief of…
Does anyone think that any of those Border Patrol agents will get in trouble at their agency for lying on a police report?
The working list of car Jews:
Jason, boychick, you and I and Zora and Andre are the exceptions who prove the rule. I've been keeping a list of "car Jews" too, including many on your list (lately I've been researching Alex Taub, who had a big role in the design of the Stovebolt Six Chevy engine that was in production for most of the 20th century),…