
Yeah, my late FIL said some shockingly inappropriate stuff as his dementia became worse. Like, if I hadn’t known about his neurological issues, I would have had a hard time being in the room with him.

In general, I agree with you...but if this guy is in SAA, I’m going to guess this confession would come as a sort of Marvel-after-credits-scene to some previous feature-length explication of the many oher ways he has betrayed their marriage.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Does he need an IEP for the presidency?

OK, here is the full basket of cherries.

“I’m sorry if...#Rashomon” is an objectively bad apology, and maybe his wife, the critically acclaimed writer, could have helped him edit it into a better one.

It is with some trepidation I disagree with bell hooks about a pop culture artifact. But MY sense, watching “She’s Gotta Have It” when it first came out, was that it explicitly addressed men’s hypocrisy about women’s sexuality, along with women’s difficulty breaking free from men’s patriarchal expectations.

Hope so.

Oh dear god yes this made my heart explode with a thousand rainbows. But now you have to make a gif of Betty wrapping her arms around him on the motorcycle.


...the client still has the right to the defense 

Yeah, I’m not conflicted at all. Maximus is clearly the good guy.

Over the past five years I have gone from “Most cops are trying hard to do a good job” to “Well, it seems there may be some issues with the criminal justice system” to “Why the fuck do we have cops anyway? What do they actually do for me that can only be done by a cop?”

I sensed a disturbance in the Force even as I posted this. My bad for not stopping to think.

That’s too bad. Donatello’s “Birth of Venus” at the Uffizi is enormous and spectacular, though, so check it out if you get a chance.

Oh, I understand the point people think they are making. I just don’t get why people would want to make this point in this particular way. If you want to party against patriarchy — and who doesn’t? — why bring all these patriarchal symbols to your party?

Why not just spend the money on a couture dress and a lavish birthday party? I, for one, would rather have the couture dress hanging in my closet than pictures of myself leading myself to the altar.

I don’t get it. I have a hard enough time GAS about professional celebrities without taking their hypothetical spawn into account.

Isn’t this literally a website about sports? Shouldn’t it be paying attention to what the President says about athletes?

Getting a thank you note is a treat, not a receipt.

Yep. This is what happens when you “reassign” most of your copy desk.