
“We’re sad that she has faced these issues to the point that she’s now decided to leave the music world.”

Wow, dude. I have hillbilly relatives built like that who are, may I say, better human beings than you could hope to be.

Go on, Kris Kobach, racist your racism all over the damn place. You are building an excellent public record for the inevitable court case against whatever racist plan your racist commission comes up with.

I really hope none of these “rule of law” motherfuckers have ever driven 30 in a 25 mph zone or made a subtraction error on their income taxes.

Yeah, Dean is garbage.

Sure, dude. Sure.

Wow, the “ad” at the end of the Oliver clip is awesome.

Who ARE these guys working for ICE? Do they come from the psychopath factory? One of the stories on the Chaldean deportations had an ICE goon telling a distraught daughter not to worry about her dad “because we’re taking him to a five-star hotel called Abu Ghraib.”

Have you read NK Jemisen’s The Fifth Season? Binti by Nnedi Okorafor?

I would love to have read your column, but the Acura video autoplayed six times and I was unable to turn it off.

Guys, come on. He has a decades-long history of announcing he is donating money, then failing to deliver. There is no reason to assume this will be any different.


So James Cameron... is telling Patty Jenkins... how to do feminist film correctly?

These mommies have an uphill battle ahead of them. A judge in a different case already ruled you can’t win a libel suit against somebody who simply called you a racist. Who is and isn’t a racist is a matter of opinion and can’t be litigated.

...please don’t accuse me of trying to barge into The Root and “claim this space” for my white self, because the resultant eye-roll would probably send me to the hospital for emergency ophthalmological intervention. I sure as heck don’t want to be catered to when reading an article/comment board like this, I know when

I also was pretty fine with the second book. Middles are hard to pull off.

Could Trump Tower really afford to have a 45,000 square foot vacancy, though? That would be a lot of Cinnabon shops and sunglass kiosks.

In “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” MLK argued that an important part of civil disobedience is being willing to accept the consequences.

Yeah, I found the version with links. The first link I was able to open went to Wikipedia.

I laughed way too hard at this guy who clearly has never picked up a cat in his life.