
Pretty solid picks, almost match mine. I think Team Johnny will win strictly because Teddy's got Khali, who hasn't won in, forever? I do think Shaemus will get the win over DB. They're setting up Big Slow to win, which upsets me since 1, I'm a huge Cody Rhodes mark, and 2, I blame him for injuring Barrett. I'm sure

So, about a year ago I got a new computer, and I cannot seem to get it to stream music/video from my computer. Any advice? Do I need to go in and delete something, or what?

I've downloaded a couple, FFT and Maverick Hunter X because they were relatively inexpensive, but they want way too much money for me to repurchase Dissidia 2, FF IV complete and the like. Also, is there a way to get your saves from the PSP to the VITA?

My friends and I are all getting it, who are your picks to win on the card so far?

I am! Paid off already, and it comes out the day after my birthday, which is over my vacation, so I'll have a good few days to sink my teeth into it. Can't -wait.-

Beats me, I'm usually just a lurker. I just thought you were making a huge deal out of nothing is all.

I'm not defending it, since I don't know it was like that beforehand (Schroedinger's Article?), I'm just saying it's not as big a deal as you seem to think it is. Especially since, you know, this isn't the first Theatrhythm article they've written. If they were to write say, an article on say, Uncharted 3 later, would

Even if it was just edited in, it makes mention of two things: a stylus and DLC. Seeing as the DS and 3DS are the only two things that use a stylus, and the DS didn't support DLC at all, anyone with basic critical thinking skills can deduce it's on the 3DS.

I'll bite. I'm not sure what the complaint is? They're Final Fantasy Characters, in a game called Final Fantasy Theatrythm, why wouldn't they put Final Fantasy in the headline/article?

Are they just for Android devices, or will they all work on my PC as well?

So, in a strange event, a friend of mine that borrowed my copy of Valkyria Chronicles right after I bought it years ago shows up at another friend's house (where we were all hanging out) and happens to bring it with him. I'm excited, seeing as I didn't get a chance to get very far in it before he borrowed it. Will

I still don't have one, nor does my profile edit window have an option for it.

Have they said when I can get my hands on this stateside yet?

I never could get into the MGS-style games. I enjoyed the first MGS when I played the Gamecube remake, but I can't stand 2-4, Splinter Cell, and their kin. I always hear amazing things about them, and then play them and it's like I'm playing a different game. I don't get it.

You too, man. I'm not sure what the job market is like where you live, but here in Houston, it's probably not that bad. I just need to get out there and look again.

At least you got told you were doing a good job, we were all told a few weeks ago that we're out of luck come May 31. Just, "We're eliminating redundancies within the company," that kind of crap/

It is so hard to get motivated here at work today. The morale's low thanks to the fact that as of May 31st, we're all not going to have jobs. Still trying to figure out where to go once that date hits. But today is dragging ass, and it's kind of annoying me.

Damn my lack of speakers on my work computer! The end of the day cannot come fast enough.

Except for, the two aren't related whatsoever? Even if I didn't know what "a DRM" was, I could tell through the complaints that it was something obtrusive that people who buy games have to deal with. This whole Mass Effect 3 ending thing? "WE WANT OUR CHOICES TO HAVE MATTERED." You're telling me that, through the

Hopefully I'll get the game on my birthday, and beat it. Then, maybe I'll understand why the outcry over the ending, because it ranks up there with the silliest, most nonsensical things I've ever seen. I've never felt more ashamed of my fellow gamers than I have recently.