how long took you the send the car there? i wanna do the same for a road trip in europe, i wanna send from toronto to Portugal.
how long took you the send the car there? i wanna do the same for a road trip in europe, i wanna send from toronto to Portugal.
One curiosity, Evora is a name of a Town in Portugal.
uau, i didn't knew about this, did they sold in Canada?
Since the season 20 started this was the first episode I really liked from the beginning until the end.
i'm sorry but he's not going flat out, only in few moments he goes a bit fast but most of the time he goes "in a hurry".
the video doesn't work anymore, does anyone knows where i can find it? i have searched on youtube about millionaire boy racers but i only found videos of car spotters saying millionaire boy racers. i hate that.
Can you make it bigger?
It was something like this, but in a Marina
That's a Kamikaze Tank, if he fired a nuke the crew would be cooked inside. Grilled Goat anyone?
Ins't that a Volvo Truck? if so ins't American but Swedish
actually having the engine in the back has a drawback, but there's a lot of benefits, do you know what they are? (popcorn sound)
Car racing it's still dangerous, not dangerous like in the 30/40/50/60/70's (that guys had nuts) but accidents still happens and always happens, even football players die playing football, don't get me wrong, i feel sorry for the families of the fallen drivers, i didn't wanted to be in her place and i once saw a close…
I'm assuming i choose the road to drive it for 24 hours, and since i'm European, despite living in Canada, i would drive it for 24 h trough some south Europe roads because, is not a super powerful car so you would't have the problem of too much power on the real world but it has some good power (208hp with a weight of…
An Alfa Romeo 2000 GTA
in the comments you can see people complaining for them choosing a Volvo, i like them a lot, they are safe, reliable, and some models has soul, i'm looking for a XC90 V8 to buy, i like that SUV, the funny part, i'm single lol
don't worry with that, everyone has bad days. The only Brazilian CEO of a car company it's Carlos Gosh from Nissan.
Revolucion it's spanish, not portuguese, revolution in portuguese is revolução. and phonetically portuguese and spanish is very different.