And the floor is littered with trash and there is an attendant dressed up like a homeless person begging for change
Who's idea was this?!?
Are we talking new here? Because here is a BMW for a dollar...
A great deal...
The ability to control the camera position and zoom in the cockpit. It would be great if I could plug in the size of my tv, where I am sitting in regards to the tv, my height, how I sit, and my eyesight, then have the camera positioned at the exact place my eyes would be at if I sat in that car. For instance, when I…
OK, fender mirrors, sorry... *whimper
I mean this from a technical standpoint. If you look at the Atom or Mono, they are meant to be almost skeletal in nature. You do bring up a great point with the 918, however that is a limited production run. Nissan keeps producing a new/improved GTR while the 918 is a one time fling.
No, seriously, why would they take a picture of a show car with a dent....
no wonder it was so good for the French....
Why do think most race car drivers wear diapers?
This is kinda an embarrassing statement, but I could use that un-park feature.
My only "accident" was a fender bender in a parking lot at night. I couldn't see the car behind me do to a blind spot and I clipped his bumper. If I was out of the car this would have never happened.
I feel like the Nissan GTR is the closest thing to an F1 car for the road. Think about it -
The car doesn't have an astronomical amount of horsepower and yet it still is faster than most cars out there. The car is so technical and finely tuned to get every last second out of it. Nissan pumps a ridiculous amount of…