I too sense some PR'ing with this selection...
I too sense some PR'ing with this selection...
Truly fascinating. He keeps chiding others for their opinions on Ferguson because "they weren't there," and yet his single source for believing creationism over evolution is a thousands-year-old collection of historical fiction.
Curt Shilling is now, as we speak, angrily arguing about Ferguson with anybody who will @ him. It's devolving in to personal attacks by him on anybody who disagrees. And yet he's not in time out?
Okay, her rap "voice" sounds even more fake live. Jesus CHRIST. RAP IN YOUR OWN DAMN ACCENT.
Thank you for mentioning Charli Baltimore
Is it a curse or does live performing just expose crappy musicians?
Threats against peoples lives should never be taken lightly, it only takes one lunatic. Also with how bitterly toxic and unhinged people related to games have been this year, I really wouldn't take that as an empty threat.
It's a scared little dog and I have no idea why anyone would think it's good.
Cookie Dog is a bad Vine.
This is the most poorly thought out argument in the history of online commenting. Sorry, some people are more important than you. A lot of people in fact. Most people. Frankly.
Really no part of that is possible. You REALLY don't want the Secretary of State to be late because a drunk in D5 wouldn't turn off his phone during the safety briefing. Also, most private planes are WAY too small for an America dignitary. I'm pretty sure a security detail wouldn't even fit on a smaller aircraft. Not…
You obviously didn't even read the story.
As a lifetime Jets fan, I can say the Jets don't need any help losing. They do just fine on their own.
These officials don't simply sit and kill time on planes. They are working. Even while in the air, they are constantly on the phone, in meetings, or or at their desk. Kerry in particular has a job that requires him to participate in a lot of confidential conversations. Also, hardly any nation files their head of state…
This article is giving me many thoughts. They are:
As a former Kaplan employee, I need to point out that the instructor would receive $1,000 of that $5,000, and maybe less if he or she has not been there long.