Wait - I know this exact plate. And, lord if only Kinja wouldn’t stop me, I can confirm that earlier this year it read ILVMUSK and under it “#blacklivesmatter.” I have a lovely photo of it.
“the only professionals willing to work on Smarts in my area are ones that quote me multiples of the car’s value for the job”
Meh, seems like a stretch. Uber-rich people all run in the same circles. A passive investment in a goofy company is not a smoking gun. And TIME often names horrible, boring, or otherwise useless people. See: 2016, Trump; 2007, Putin. I’d allow them the dignity of making their own stupid choices.
I think it’s a bit of a stretch for transferred intent (you’re supposed to prove that the intended victim was a police officer, which is a reach here), but probably not outside the realm of possibility as some sort of manslaughter case.
Abloh was an absolute talent, one of the greats lost bitterly soon.
This is a swan song. It’s like the last stick-shift Astons; the obsolescence is the point. Indulge a little nostalgia.
Gotta give points to the high-as-hell designers who came up with the blacked-out A-pillars and mirrors on this aero-brick. Mean machine. It took Lamborghini another decade to try out the ‘Bicolore’ on their Gallardo, and that didn’t even have black mirrors. So there.
Excellent work with this piece.
Fine by me. I have some morally self-contradictory, perhaps not-very-defensible ‘Drive Free or Die’ inclinations left in me when it comes to driving fast and being able to speed occasionally (black boxes and limit devices would bother me), but I don’t think we should bend even remotely when it comes to drunk driving.…
God, this whole thing was more just sad than amusing or entertaining. Sad sack guy yelling out ‘I’m sorry’ in broken English, the wife going “no mercy” (lady, come on), then the cops throwing him around all over an Amazon package? Yeah, I know, his responsibility and choice to steal, but just a bleak, sad scene all…
Exactly - feels like half the pops and bangs you hear are from E90 3 series BMWs, courtesy of exhaust systems that cost thousands to order and install. It’s not like people are buying their tunes on food stamps.
“Of course, we all know that keeping the streets nice and serene likely isn’t the real intent of the bill. Traffic stops are often more about revenue than safety, and increasing fines from three digits to four ought to net the state some nice cash flow. With these stops disproportionately affecting low-income drivers,…
“I expect that they will say that the pads and rotors need replaced, or maybe not.”
To be fair, she only promised better clutch control, not having a clutch to control.
Just to play devil’s advocate for a moment – is it possible that the Prius hasn’t changed, but rather what you want from a car has? I’m agnostic about the Prius and have found it an eminently useful tool on past borrowed drives, but my understanding is that none of the faults of the Prius from an enthusiast…
As the old line goes:
We’re actually pro-crack now. Didn’t you get the memo?
So every internal combustion car sucks, but then so do luxury electric cars. You know, part of the fun of being a car guy is actually, bear with me, liking cars. Even the ones that you, I, and most of our peers can’t afford.
This is true. Addendum!