
That's great but you know who really should be dumping money into that cause is the NFL itself. They enjoy being a non-profit while paying Gooddell 44 millions dollars.

the scariest thing is how cops view people of color. It's insane to me how deep seeded racism is within the institution of law enforcement. And despite the constant reminders of this, (I.e. Cases like this one, Darren Wilson, and numerous others) nothing is ever done about the problem. It's absolutely nuts

The sad thing is Black women are good enough to be anything that isn't a stereotype to people no matter how much we work to dispel those assumptions of us. We work hard to live our lives and find ourselves backed against a wall when shit happens to us. We can neither run nor hide from stuff because we have people

I agree with you 100%. Even as a white woman who has been raped more than once, I openly acknowledge that other groups (notably, black women) are more victimized than mine.

That last text:

Sexism is a whole different beast when it's crossed with racism. The ugliness of sexism is real and oppressive but the intersectionality of sexism and racism is intolerable. In Canada, it is First Nations women who bear the weight of this cross.

Holtzclaw, an Oklahoma City police officer, is alleged to have forced eight women, all of them black, to have sex with him or face arrest.

Swagger. He's got it

Dude. Troll. Replying bumps his assholishness out of the grays!

The man raped a group of women and people set up a go fund me for him? Not only that but people donated thousands of dollars to it? I wonder if these people would have been so giving with their money/support if the victims were white women (probably but the support definitely wouldn't have been to this level)? This is

What does this have to do with the article at all? Also, seems we are talking about reported assault here whereas the whole article talks about how often WoC are afraid to even report the crime?

Why is it, that every single damn time, that a person of color dies, has a crime committed against them, or does something amazing, the mainstream media always feels the need to say "they were _____ and _____ and participated in ______ so therefore, they're one of the good ones." That shit is infuriating, because it

There's also a certain amount of risk to using email. People can forward emails you thought were private, or hack into your account and disseminate them. If we don't want our embarrassing emails to be made public, we really shouldn't use email.

I'm an Old too, and I don't see this argument. Online shopping presents a risk too, but no one is telling Target hacking victims that they shouldn't have been shopping online in the first place.

I don't know how to direct message people on Kinja (or even if that's possible), but could you write an in depth article on the Greg Hardy thing? There isn't a whole lot of media coverage on this, and there needs to be. What he did is on par with or beyond what Ray Rice did. Here's some quotes from the Charlotte