
What are you even on about? If fertile women want to prevent pregnancy while still enjoying their sexual lives... they must use birth control. See? It's like magic!

Yeah... you're ignoring nearly everything pertinent about both these stories in order to boo-hoo about hypocritical misandrists. The options are you're either obtuse or a jackass.

Instead of using a word that means something entirely different from what you actually meant, why didn't you just use the word "put together"?

And still. People's fashion sensibilities are so variable, how in the fuck am I supposed to know what looks put together to you or the other 100 people I'm sitting with? I'd

Oh my. I LOL'ed. Teeheehee!!

My boyfriend actually looks a bit like Jeff Goldblum and it is our greatest life goal to dress as Sexy Jurassic Park one year for Halloween. I will be some kind of sexy T-Rex and he will obviously be Dr. Ian Malcolm <—— no need to add the "sexy" qualifier in front of that one ;)

Well done. So fucking well done.

Are fucked? She tries to ignore and not engage him and he keeps coming at her.

Except that you can't read the situation properly at all.

He is very clearly lying in wait for her to walk by. She tries to ignore him, but he spits at her and she flings her arm out at him HARMLESSLY. It was instinctive. She keeps walking and then once they enter the elevator, tries to keep as far away from him as

No buddy. You clearly do not understand the depths to which an abusive relationship is emotionally and physically fucked up.

She could have been coerced into releasing a statement, she could have been brainwashed into believing that she is at fault for any incidents involving abuse, that she "pushed" her partner to

I really hate how grateful I feel when a man fucking GETS IT. AND THEN SAYS THE WORDS OUT LOUD.

It makes me want to cry with frustration. But I am so, so grateful.

Nope. You're wrong. You're wrong to assume that you know what kind of threat a woman faces for leaving. You're wrong to assume that you know what kind of opportunity she has to leave. Open your eyes. Yes we have that video, and people are STILL lining up to make her responsible in some way for this happening—including

Are you trying to be a dip shit? This is an American publication about American salaries. Maybe you can't afford to live in the fanciest penthouse condo in NY on 400k, but you're not deciding between feeding your children and taking them to see a goddamn doctor when they're sick. For fuck's sake.

First of all, it's not faux outrage on everyone's behalf. Second of all, you're right. We always should have been up in arms, and indeed many people have, but for some reason, only now have social issues been gaining traction and our culture seeming to be on the verge of MAYBE starting to take domestic violence (among

Yeah so what do you think that terrifying human being would do to a woman who dared walk away from him? Rub those two brain cells you have together, why don't you?

Are you for fucking real? Guess what? Abusive partners are master manipulators. They also escalate the violence when their property, aka their partners, try to leave. In fact, the most dangerous time in an abuse victim's life is when he or she is trying to end the abusive relationship. It's because abusive people are

Um, clearly not. He's leaning on the post, waiting for her to walk by, she tries to ignore him, he SPITS on her and then she flings her arm out at him. If you're not actively trying to defend a professional athlete who clocked a his victim out cold and then dragged her unconscious body out of an elevator, you'll

Marisa Tomei is ON FIRE. For the whole movie. But that scene is epic, I agree.

Also the one where she's freaking out on the cabin porch in her floral catsuit. I dig.

Fuck these guys.


Thank you kindly, dear friend. This is my first internet high five and I shall treasure it forever.

It's an industry term.