Captain Liverspots

+ or - 1. PERHAPS.

+1 Coke in a Glass Harmonica

This is a photo of an A-hole holding some Cale.

If downtown Richmond were evacuated due to a zombie apocalypse, you wouldn't notice the difference at all.

It's straight to the anal intruder they go. Hopefully they realize the variances in East German electrical current first.

@TheConeheadGuarantee: A Jr. High classmate named Sandy Dick. We 6th grade boys didn't know quite why we cringed when we heard her name, but cringe we did.

I was at the grocery store a bit earlier; my cashier was asking everyone who they wanted to win the games today. I replied and asked her the same question. Her reply: "I'm a Favre fan, so GO BEARS!"

(door flies open)

Meanwhile, in Massachusetts, Uggs livened up another boring post-practice press conference

The very same, quite astute Virginia DMV for years allowed the plate "CUNTY" to roam unfettered. On a purple Ford Probe, no less.

@MoriaQuirk: Not after that late fumble against the Colts yesterday.

@NoirJuggling: My 8-ish year old self went to a basketball camp at VT back in '85ish (all ages and dates are subject to at least 1 year margin of error) where Curry was a "guest teacher" one day. I was kinda starstruck at the time and learned nothing, not that much of his advice would have helped my

@vodkanaut: As an adult, no. However, I grew up with Tiki & Ronde Barber and played against them in sandlot (8-9-10 yrs old) football. I was generally a linebacker or defensive end (read: pasty, chubby white kid who was still pretty fast for his size). We played their team 2-3 times per season and I was only once or

Brett Favre totally got railroaded.

Fire This, Asshole!

Jesus, the Vikings have more missed interceptions than the Ace Tomato Company.

@Always Winning: I nodded off on the couch and woke up to find The Wife watching Teen Mom. So I guess it worked, but at what price?