+ or - 1. PERHAPS.
+ or - 1. PERHAPS.
Bob Schimmel definitely gets a vote.
+1 Coke in a Glass Harmonica
This is a photo of an A-hole holding some Cale.
If downtown Richmond were evacuated due to a zombie apocalypse, you wouldn't notice the difference at all.
It's straight to the anal intruder they go. Hopefully they realize the variances in East German electrical current first.
@TheConeheadGuarantee: A Jr. High classmate named Sandy Dick. We 6th grade boys didn't know quite why we cringed when we heard her name, but cringe we did.
I was at the grocery store a bit earlier; my cashier was asking everyone who they wanted to win the games today. I replied and asked her the same question. Her reply: "I'm a Favre fan, so GO BEARS!"
(door flies open)
Meanwhile, in Massachusetts, Uggs livened up another boring post-practice press conference
The very same, quite astute Virginia DMV for years allowed the plate "CUNTY" to roam unfettered. On a purple Ford Probe, no less.
@MoriaQuirk: Not after that late fumble against the Colts yesterday.
@WhynotstartYunieveryday: Comic Sans does not appreciate your tone of voice.
@NoirJuggling: My 8-ish year old self went to a basketball camp at VT back in '85ish (all ages and dates are subject to at least 1 year margin of error) where Curry was a "guest teacher" one day. I was kinda starstruck at the time and learned nothing, not that much of his advice would have helped my…
@vodkanaut: As an adult, no. However, I grew up with Tiki & Ronde Barber and played against them in sandlot (8-9-10 yrs old) football. I was generally a linebacker or defensive end (read: pasty, chubby white kid who was still pretty fast for his size). We played their team 2-3 times per season and I was only once or…
@AC_Greens_Virginity: The "I BCC your bosses on all our emails, clandestinely" guy
Brett Favre totally got railroaded.
Fire This, Asshole!
Jesus, the Vikings have more missed interceptions than the Ace Tomato Company.
@Always Winning: I nodded off on the couch and woke up to find The Wife watching Teen Mom. So I guess it worked, but at what price?