
I always just thought it was an Earth Mother thingy.

damn, that sucks. i knew him from sctv and always liked seeing him pop up in stuff.  

get me that clips non union Mexican equivalent!

booooooo....... booo.


this picture is almost super hot save for 2 things. 1: My anxiety is all ‘that old ass computer is gonna heat up and set those sheets on fire’ and B: the lady looks way too much like Diana from V. Sexy time is gone when you think you’re gonna be an alien buffet.

cool, i’ll check it. thanks

i want a gumball rally game so bad

space table. it’s too advanced for our primative minds.

WHUMP! there it is. oooooooh weeeee, yeah. Look at that Wookie.

i got a shiny mudbray yesterday. wasn’t trying to get one or anything either

all i see is rutger hauer cake

if you had a rocking bod like that would you cover it up? i’m more worried about the Shredder looking face mask dude.

maximilian jenius rules

one of my favorite games ever. can’t freaking wait.


so the comic isn’t about a tiny guy surrounded by giants?

never any wing divers around when you need them.

And then you sit there feeling bloated from the burger and the shit ton of fries you’ve eaten only to realize you haven’t put a dent in that bag of fries. And then you sit there and complain that you can’t possibly eat all those fries, but you do, every last one of them. And when they are gone you wish there were a

i’m still training a team to fight him. i suck.