Just sitting here breeding Pokemon to bank over to Oras, and then this happens. Today was a good day.
I need this song.
I had one years and years ago on King of Fighters 2000? in an arcade. It’s me as Joe Higashi vs Kim Kaphwan. His life bar is un touched. I have one hit left. Have you ever had one of those moments where everything seems to happen in slow motion? Like this one time on Marvel vs Capcom I was down to Captain America and…
every bellsprout i’ve gotten since that episode first aired I’ve named Judo Bob, as he was named by someone in the room as several of us watched that episode
Damn these movies for sucking me back into DBZ. I can’t wait.
Near the end of his WCW run, the chants for Goldberg started to remind me of the "DARRYL.... DARRYL" chants in the softball episode of the Simpsons.
i don't know. the lady with no for arms looks like she's had her will to live sucked out of her. Kinda depressing.
Yeah cause the music in Macross is so sucky.
I don't disagree, but it's so big and obnoxious that it's grown on me. I really like it on Grimock.
first wave? Hahahahaha. Battle of the Planets, Star Blazers, Robotech and Voltron all say hello.
I actually kinda like the big symbols
Quit trying to pull me back into Transformers you assholes. I can't afford it. In the mean time I'll be over here trying to justify buying this.
So what you're saying is she's Pollyanna and Supergirl ( sans powers)?
Isn't a jamoke one of those milk shakes they have at Arby's? Mmmmmm Arby's.
Before I die I will see a group belch out a cover version of Peg. But Michael McDonald still has to sing backup. Time to start playing the lotto.
So you mean Monster Hunter 3 Tri for the Wii U?
I'm maining the Charge Blade, cause i love being able to open a can of whoopass when I need to. But I'm also learning the Hunting Horn and Sword and Shield.