
Thank you. That was bugging me as well.

To deliver goods to the people of Kanto.

Hey, least he tried to finish it with a Shoryuken.

I had that Cookie Monster cookie jar. I yelled at my mom for years for selling it when I was 11.

Such a great show.

Most of the pokemon this gen, their middle evolutions are the ones I like the most.


If you put it in context, it's even more of a kick to the gut. In this 12 issue story arc, Superman gets poisoned by the sun. He is going to die. He's in a mad rush to do all the things he needs to do before his time is up. In the middle of telling Lois Lane that he loves her; but they can never be physically

My friend and I got X & Y at midnight and while he played and caught pokemon to trade, I restarted over until we each had all 3 of the new starters. So, my answer to the second question in the poll is : All 3. The way God intended.


It really doesn't take any time at all, you can trade minutes after you get your starter.

Since I'm crazy selfish; I picked up Y and my friend got X, we sat around and while he played and caught pokemon I restarted over and over and in around an hour I got both of us all 3 new starters. Then I got a bulbasaur.

If people are still allowed to win the internet, then it's yours for the next 10 minutes. Try not to wreck it.

I'm a big Dan DeCarlo fan, a few months ago I snagged some Josie and the Pussycats backissues and this pin up was in one of them.



It wasn't just the idea, there were similar themes and scenes from the anime in the movie. I'm indifferent on the anime, it's beautiful, but........ I also enjoyed the comic when Epic brought them out.

Don't feel too bad, it was a straight rip off of Akira.

Hell yes.