
And if by 'meet Tron' you mean fight a giant David Warner and kick his ass with Razor Leaf, I hope to hell we do.

Just went to the Nintendo event yesterday.

I got one off of amazon years ago. It's amazing.

I want to be friends with you because of that. Black Canary rules.

They don't just give out merch, at least not the one I went to. I would recommend going just for the streetpass. The one I went to promoting Black and White had you play this game where they gave you a booklet with neat art of the new pokemon inside and you had to walk around the mall looking for pokemon signs. At

Awww, that sucks. But at the same time, it's not that bad. If only for the merchandise the traveling show has. If you like snagging plush starters and stuff.

You shut up. I only have so much money.

Stand By Me

Nice piece. This made me smile. It's good to know that not everyone is in it for themselves.

Thanks. I'm kinda shocked that it even looks like anything.

Here's one I just did.

And he stomped me with a Shedinja that he gave Sturdy to. I couldn't touch it.

I fought this guy yesterday. He was one of the nicer people there.

Looks like Vera Farmiga got hit by that toxic waste from the end of Robocop.

Who let this chinless Muppet on tv in the first place?

After I saw this posted this morning, I posted it on my facebook and mentioned that all the intro theme needed was a disco whistle. Then I loaded the soundtrack on my ipod and went out to run some errands. Coming out of McDonalds with a mouth full of fries and track 15 'Rescue Girl' begins. I doubled over in laughter

That would be Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons' Martha Washington.

Dammit. I was just at Target yesterday. Didn't even think to look for Springer. Woke up this morning thinking "Why didn't I get any Pop Tarts?" Awwwwwwww!

love that green

Track 10 is ridiculous. Wow. This whole thing is great. I want track 10 to play while I slay monsters in Dragon's Dogma.