
If crying, bitchy Sony fanboys can get these games on PS5, Sony needs to open up and let spider man and wolverine on xbox, then. Only makes sense. And I don’t wanna hear “what would that mean for Sony/why would they do that” bullshit. If this is the end of exclusivity, then it’s only fair if that happens. 

I can’t think war is terrible if I enjoy playing shooters?

Everyone knows the airplane and Amelia are in the Delta Quadrant. 

Did you read the article? This is only about online play, you can still download from the store. Your comment is totally orthogonal to the article.

Hmm I don’t know about all that. I think the author is totally in the right. Every preview or article for this game in pre-release was like “Pokemon with guns”... Pretty much “all” they showed was high level stuff, now that I’ve played it.

Having enemies with guns who drop ammo for things you can’t craft until level 25 feels like a weird choice.

We have different ideas of inedible.

More like mediocre, and this pass is good for takeout, so you can doctor it up at home. I’ll give it a shot.

Most trays are designed to feed six to eight people. If you purchase any of these for carryout with your Date Night Pass, you can bring home a meal big enough to portion out and eat all week. Suddenly that $200 purchase has more utility beyond dining out.”

It may not have been VERY good, but it was PRETTY good, controversy aside.

Wanda facing absolutely no consequences for literally torturing a whole town will forever leave a bad taste

Press X to doubt that Nintendo shared anything Switch 2 related with something called Ai Shark lol. This is just a marketing stunt.

Just speculating, but maybe it uses AI as a way to try and determine a game’s cheats, or find a way around a patch designed to remove exploits?

“Have The Rolling Stones killed!” “Oh Taylor that isn’t...” “Do as I say!”

I suspect that most of them are essentially self-neutering, in that they make themselves so that no women would want to reproduce with them.

Fucking gamers jesus christ

I wonder if women get briefed by developers/publishers when they’re hired to act or model for a game, if they’re at all made aware of what will happen in social media as a consequence of being hired. I wonder if, whoever will end up being cast as Abby in HBO’s adaptation of The Last of Us, she will be made aware that,

Incredible year for the console. Super Mario Wonder, Metroid Prime Remastered and the bunch of great hits I caught up on thanks to sales such as FFVIII, Hades, Persona 5 and Resident Evil 0 and 5.

That is in no way a fitting punishment for the crime of “hacking” companies that should already have had better systems in place. Does he not have any family, is house arrest not an option? 

the idea of stadia wasn’t bad. the execution was. You can see a successful version of stadia in gamepass cloud. where microsoft actually thought out the nitty gritty and made it an additional benefit to their other service.