
I spent way too much time maxing out my rice cracker business in Like a Dragon.

Yeah, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me unless they haven’t beaten one of these games before or have only played Sekiro. Even Bloodborne, which has the least variance among the various build options, can still be pretty compelling between different weapon builds and endings.

That’s not true regarding Elden Ring and replay value. It’s just a question of taste and whether you’d want to try again for a different ending and the gameplay variety on offer through a different build.

Its more, white people get mad because they desperately want something to be offended over so things are “equal”

Imagine being the kind of person that could afford to spend money just to get a receipt that proves you paid money to get a receipt associated with a URL anyone in the world can access.

I was under the impression most of these celebrities were essentially paid to buy these, make them seem more valuable than they are.

Trying to access this and it’s not working.  Perhaps it’s already been taken down?

no one has shown up to tell y’all that you don’t understand crytpo / nft yet? wild times indeed.

The problem with holding wealth as crypto is that if you divest it for actual stable currency that you can use to buy real things, and do so in any significant amount, you devalue your crypto in the process. Like, say I found a boutique soda company. And it does so well that I make a deal with Coke where they buy me

Does anyone else feel like they could go in to a meeting with some of these higher ups, just say a long string of buzz words, and proceed to walk out with 10s of millions of dollars?

Because that’s honestly how I feel right now. Its not even con artistry at this point, these people are just desperate to lose money

You’d think they would happen more just so PC gamers had an excuse to show off their fancy rigs. All that RGB is going to waste.

Nope. Someone who was 18 in 2000 is a Millenial. It’s the person the term was coined to describe.

I wish there was option to have just the dialogue, and not sound effects transcribed. I don’t need to read the lyrics to the music playing in the background, or that there are sirens in the distance.

*pops champagne* Oh thank god - as a recent Steam Deck convert with basically zero interest in a PS5 (only XVI and VIIR Part Deux were tempting to me), only having to wait (and avoid spoilers) for six months feels much more doable than potentially a year or more. Here’s hoping that the next chapter of VIIR has a

How does this change anything? Non white people existed in medieval Europe. For that matter, none of what mentioned here neccecitates racial homogenity. Or, if you wanna go a step further, none of this require all the ppl to be specifically white.

This right here is exactly why, while disappointing, no one should be surprised by this, Japan does not have a history of healthy representation of diversity in any of its media. But at least it’s shown signs of getting better. I Am rewatching DBZ right now, just began the Buu saga and holy fuck I forgot about the

While still disappointing, I don’t find it very surprising that a developer from a country in which 98% of the population share the same ethnicity and culture struggles to grasp the depht and importance of representation issues.

10. Grand Theft Auto V

I can possibly answer this for you, as a fan.

And all these weird, sad chuds would have to do would be to find help, or embrace growth, before becoming weird, sad chuds.