
It’s bizarre that you’re framing this as a “class” thing. What class are cryptobros? The bare minimum for entry into the crypto world requires that you have a modern computing device, high-speed internet access, and at least a few hundred dollars of disposable income you can afford to throw away.

What in the actual fuck are you on about?

Nah, we understand your fake money nonsense scam quite well, thank you. 

 Did that all make sense when you were typing it?


“What the internet did for communication, blockchains do for value.”

Remake Omen 1 and Soul Reaver and I’d be one happy clam. Hell I’d just take Soul Reaver, it can backfill the story cleverly through flashbacks etc.

Nah, nah, this is all cool and good. There will be some cryptobros (who are definitely not panicking) coming by to explain shortly.

This guy's videos are so good.

That’s what I’m saying. You don’t need something to be an NFT in order for it to be resalable.  No blockchain required.

it would be nice to see maybe one single article that articulates what NFT’s actually represent

Here is the article that explains the unique benefits enabled by NFTs that can’t be done with other technologies:

Somebody should submit this to the Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature (hell, it’s certainly long enough!).

They represent nothing (quite literally, in fact; they represent nothing tangible), and contribute nothing to the future.

If Fortnite wanted you to be able to resell skins, you’d be able to resell skins. As you pointed out, Steam has done this for quite some time, and done so without NFTs.

There have been multiple games that allow reselling of content that didn’t rely on the blockchain. Even more games have a gray market for such transactions.

Fortnite could easily allow you to resell the skins you buy if they wanted to. It would be extremely simple, but extremely pointless as well because it doesnt make them money. And you dont have to use blockchain to do it either. Fuck, Diablo had a marketplace over a decade ago that you could sell weapons at

Now playing

NFTs are QAnon if it were stock, if believing in a flat Earth could be bought and sold.