I'm going NP as it would make an excellent fun and cheap autocross car, the flames would only add a ridiculous talking point in the pits and on the track. Plus I've wanted a drop-top RX-7 for a while now...
@Shamoononon: Oh I totally agree, and whenever I drive someone else's car (Especially my best friend's S2000) I put the parking brake on when I park, just because I'm not familiar with what the car will do if I leave it in gear only.
@Shamoononon: I leave both my manual trans cars in gear with no e-brake when I park them (unless on a hill). I see no problem with it and it keeps the Rear pads from rusting to the rotors on my RX-8 when I don't drive it all week.
@Mr.choppers - Delenda Carthago Est: Yup, I say 3-rotors at minimum for all!
Crack Pipe, for sure!
I know that with 1700 HP some sort of racing seats/safety whatzits (Recaros here) are nessesary, but this would be soo much cooler if it had a bench seat up front and lap belts, just to make it even more sleeper-ish
@huevosrancheros: This - there is really nothing else to say...
@origosis: This is simply epic...
@Jagvar: Yup, I'm in this boat as well....
In HS I got used to the bald-as-hell tires on my 94 Ranger and drifting it (in dry weather) all over the place. Then it rained one day and I was gunning it to get through an intersection next to the school, which after you entered sloped downhill away from you. I turned left across it with the gas on a bit and the…
@Peter S.: Did you lift off the throttle suddenly? FWD cars (my Saturn included) tend to be able to oversteer when you lift off the throttle in a turn.
@engineerd - Jalopnik Poet Laureate: Oh gosh... I was working at REI when the Bp-A thing dropped - people returning 6 year old bottles because "some program" said they would get sick.... you've been drinking out of them for years freakin person!
@Shadowguitar: I was playing Dirt2 on my PC and had Man vs Food on in the background, then just left it on as that show started...
All you have to do to understand this issue is watch Travel Channel's "Worlds Worst Drivers" that premiered last night.... the kid that lost drove through a ton of obstacles leaned back with one arm over his head 'cause there was water dripping on him, while flooring the gas through walls of boxes instead of around…
@bonestock94: The Raleigh NC Police department have a few marked up as Cabs (burgundy in color) I used to ride my bicycle past a district station that had a few parked outside...
The NC Highway Patrol or Raleigh PD used to have a mid-90s Blazer that would patrol a stretch of highway that really was a connecting road with a ridiculously low speed limit (55, even though it was the same layout as the 65 highways that cross it). On the way to my job in college I would see the same officer in his…
So can I do this with WalMart cutting boards too so I don't have to pronounce silly names?
And the worst part is that we drive near these people...