@beercheck - Commentin' Dirty: Yeah... who knows...
@beercheck - Commentin' Dirty: Yeah... who knows...
@beercheck - Commentin' Dirty: I just commented on your reply to me in the source thread. While I don't "hate" it, I don't see why we cant just put the flag on the other sleeve so it looks right/more pleasing to the eye... is it really that hard?
@beercheck - Commentin' Dirty: Yeah, that is a bit interesting. Personally I don't see it as a disgrace, just a different take on it. We constantly see the flag from the other side (backwards, if you will) when flags up on flag poles all the time.
Congrats Steve from my state! Plus I'm psyched to get mentioned/quoted in the COTD period!
@FP - Funny how it seems quiet around here, eh?: Its not backwards, the flag is always displayed so that the blue field/stars is leading and the stripes are the tail end, as if it is fluttering in the wind in the direction of movement of the object
@Jeb_Hoge: There is also this story on their site (I found by clicking "Jeremy Clarkson" at the bottom)
Is this thing a Hatch? How is anybody supposed to reach the back to pull it down (I'm sure its not as tall as the pics, but still)
@madcows: mm mm mma mad to tha bone: More like
@CaptMatt15 Cant see Page 2+: Hey! It looks like Page 2,3,4, etc is back now!
I love computers with "TURBO" Buttons (#25)
uhm, is commenting majorly screwed up for anybody else at this moment?
@scotte: Tacomas are also currently produced in Mexico, just over the border from CA. I imagine they will take some of the load (but not all).
@KillerBee: No, the Matrix is produced in CA
@bradleysoken: You never did the Balsa Bridge thing in middle school?
@docrice: We have no idea what sort of condition the car was in before he swapped the engine though...
Nice Price (Only about $9000 American). Plus I love Hockey.
Don't hate on Kermit, Its not his fault Magic is failing to explain how the Escape Hybrid makes it Easy to be Green.
Did you guys try to call Danica Patrick and Jay Leno from the car or not?
@Ehrich Blackhound: They may have also stolen some of his awesome, because this car is badass in that Bender "I dont care, I'm going to smoke and drink in here anyway" sort of way.
@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: Agreed, very happy to hear this news today for sure!